The Issels News Blog

Help Survivors and Patients by Giving the Gift of Your Time – Ways to Volunteer Locally

Enrich Your Life By Helping Others.
Enrich Your Life By Helping Others.

If you’re like most people, cancer is a cause that’s near and dear to your heart. Almost everyone knows someone who has battled this dreadful disease, or is currently receiving cancer treatment. Maybe in your life, that someone is yourself.

Here at Issels®, we know the importance of volunteers in this field. This is why we want to offer you some incredible volunteer opportunities as a way to give back.

Volunteer Your Time for a Great Cause

There are many ways you can give your time to support cancer research and improved cancer treatments. Some of these include:

Ways You Can Make a Difference for Those Receiving Cancer Treatment

Maybe you’re not quite sure where you fit in. There is a need for all kinds of help. What are your strengths? Maybe you enjoy:

Whatever you enjoy, there is a place for you.

If you would like to learn more about immunotherapy and its place in cancer treatment, please contact us.

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