Issels Integrative Immuno-Oncology January 26, 2017  

Cancer Survivors: a Unique Perspective on Hope

Dear Friend,

Here at Issels®, we frequently encounter people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer, and their hope for a long healthy life seems gone. For the longest time, a cancer diagnosis has been linked with impending death, and while it's true that some do lose their lives to this terrible disease, for the first time cancer patients can truly have hope.

There have been many advances in cancer treatment in recent years, and more patients are getting screened early on if they feel they are at higher risk. Early detections and improvements in treatment are saving lives, and the number of cancer survivors is expected to increase at an incredible rate in the months and years ahead. Currently, there are 15.5 million cancer survivors in the United States, and in just ten years that number is expected to hit 20 million.

Knowing these numbers is important, because cancer survivors have different needs than cancer patients; especially those who have undergone treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. These patients often have serious, long-standing effects from what we've always thought of as "conventional" cancer treatments, and experts are still trying to find a way to help them with the physiological and psychological effects that can last the rest of their lives.

There's no question that chemotherapy and radiation have been life-saving for many cancer survivors. However, they have also caused significant problems, such as heart disease, osteoporosis, neuropathy, and other physical ailments.

At Issels®, our focus is on non-toxic immunotherapy, which has been shown to have no devastating long-term effects. Please contact us to learn more about this breakthrough in cancer treatment to see if our program may be right for you.

Cancer Survivors: a Unique Perspective on Hope

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Cancer Survivors: How to Thrive After Treatment

Thanks to cutting-edge treatments like immunotherapy, more and more cancer patients are experiencing positive outcomes. If you're one of the nearly 15 million cancer survivors in the United States, you may feel a bit adrift as you try to resume your everyday life. Dr. Joanne Mortimer of the Women's Cancers Program at City of Hope offers these valuable tips to help you cope and even thrive post-treatment.

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Celebrate Cancer Survivors by Wearing the Purple Ribbon

We tend to think of National Cancer Survivor Day as a day that's set aside to honor all of those who have beaten this dreadful disease. However, here at IsselsĀ® we feel that it's important to remember the unsung heroes. These are the people who have worked hard by their loved ones' sides to ensure that they receive the best possible care during their treatments.

National Cancer Survivor Day is in the summer, but we feel that every day should be a celebration for cancer survivors. We want to encourage you to remember everyone who has fought, or who is still fighting cancer and celebrate them and their journey today January 26th.

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Videos – What Do Patients Say About Their Experience?

Watch videos of patients who share their own experiences at the Issels clinics with you. Listen to their stories and cancer journeys.

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