Frequently Asked Questions About Issels

Information about the Issels Cancer Immunotherapy treatment program.

Frequently asked questions about the Issels cancer treatment program.

Treatment FAQs

What is Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer?

The Issels® Immunotherapy Cancer Treatment is an Integrative non-toxic Immunotherapy that activates the patient's own immune system to recognize and eliminate cancer cells. As cancer is a very complex systemic disease it requires a comprehensive treatment to achieve lasting results. In this regard, Issels Immunotherapy for Cancer is integrative. It is designed to restore the cellular immune functions as well as the various other levels of the body's very complex immune and defense mechanisms.

What is the Issels® Immunotherapy Difference?

Issels® Immunotherapy is individualized and has no adverse side-effects and is non-toxic. This is in contrast to pharmaceutically produced drugs called immunotherapy. These medications are currently used in oncology, and have shown to cause serious life-threatening reactions in a variety of patients.

The Issels® cancer vaccine and cell therapies are cultured from the patient's own immune cells, in the presence of the patient's own tumor antigens. Our vaccines and cell therapies are highly individualized, specific, and non-toxic, yet powerful.

Issels® Immunotherapy integrates the vaccine and cell therapies that activate the cellular immunity, into the immunobiologic core treatment in order to also activate the various other levels of the body's complex defense mechanisms.

Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer is a comprehensive treatment program that is not limited to one single modality such as a vaccine, or a drug or another monotherapy. The program integrates advanced cancer treatment components that complement and enhance each other.

Issels® Cancer Immunotherapy focuses, with the same importance, on destroying cancer cells and tumors as well as on altering the body's internal environment that has promoted the cancer growth.

Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer is not a trial.

It has the longest track record with the clinical administration of non-toxic cancer vaccines to advanced and standard therapy-resistant cancers, achieving remarkable recurrence-free tumor remissions for years and even decades.

Our present Issels doctors' expertise and many years of clinical experience with the successful administration of our personalized and non-toxic Immunotherapy for Cancer, either on its own or in combination with targeted cancer treatment, play a decisive role in the treatment outcomes.

Is it Available as Clinical Trial?

No, the Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer is not available in clinical trial form. In sharp contrast to clinical trials, the Issels Non-Toxic Immunotherapy is not comprised of one single drug or vaccine. It consists of a comprehensive treatment program to enhance the patient's own natural immune defenses against cancer.

Clinical trials are performed at leading cancer centers by oncologists experienced in chemotherapy who have recently become acquainted with immunotherapy and are trying to find out if, and to what extent, a new drug or vaccine will work.

On the other hand, the Issels Immunotherapy for Cancer is based on a treatment system that has already achieved documented complete long-term remissions of stage 4 cancers. Our programs are administered by Issels-trained doctors with extensive experience with immunotherapy in a full service hospital that complies with the highest US and international standards for patient safety.

What is the Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer Strategy?

The Issels Immunotherapy for Cancer programs consist of Integrative Immunotherapy protocols designed to restore the body's innate cancer fighting properties. Integrative means that they are not confined to the mere administration of one treatment modality, be it a vaccine, cell therapy or any other monotherapy, but that they are comprehensive.

Our programs focus, with equal importance, on the elimination of the cancer tumors as well as on the underlying causes for the immune suppression and the tumor development, in order to achieve long-term remission and healing.

Can Issels® Immunotherapy be Applied Without Prior Chemotherapy?

The Issels integrative Immunotherapy for Cancer programs are applicable for all types and all stages of cancer, either in combination with standard treatments or on their own.

Our treatment programs are always adjusted to each individual patient's needs and can be administered as:

  1. Treatment for patients who have exhausted treatment programs, who are not candidates or do not opt for, chemotherapy and other standard treatments. Clinical experience has shown that even in the advanced stages of cancer, an immune response with complete tumor remission can be achieved.
  2. Treatment in conjunction with Advanced Targeted Cancer Therapies.
  3. Follow-up treatment after conventional treatment to boost the suppressed immune functions, with the aim to reduce the risk of recurrence, and improve the outcomes.
  4. Adjunctive/Complementary Treatment with the aim to enhance the effectiveness of standard treatments, and decrease their side effects.

Are there Any Side Effects to the Issels® Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment?

The Immunobiologic Core Treatment with its natural substances, as well as the Vaccine and Cell Therapies of the patient's own activated immune cells, are non-toxic and have no adverse side effects.

There may be healing reactions, such as flu-like symptoms after injection of the Vaccine and Cell Therapies with increase of body temperature and tenderness in the tumor area for a few hours or days, due to the patient's response to treatment.

Do Issels Doctors Monitor Their Patients' Response to the Issels® Immunotherapy?

Our doctors provide close follow-up after each patient returns home as this is one key to cancer treatment success and long-term survival. Access to doctors is direct, timely, and unlimited. We work with the patients' oncologists and general practitioners and provide the protocols for the at-home follow-up infusions and nutraceuticals.

Do Patients Have to Return for Continuous Treatment of Issels® Immunotherapy?

Most of our patients do not need to come back, as our doctors provide their medical practitioners with the information on follow-up care. Our doctors also provide the prescriptions needed for continued in-home treatment. Some patients choose to return after a couple of years for an immune booster. These alumni are welcomed and we celebrate their continued good health. Many have filmed video testimonials as to their care and treatment at the Issels Centers.

Watch over 40 videos of Issels® cancer patient testimonials.

What is your Refund Policy?

We honor a request for refund for the following circumstances only:

  1. The patient passes away 3 or more days before being able to start our program in Tijuana, Mexico (Death Certificate Required*)
  2. The patient has been hospitalized 3 or more days before starting our program in Tijuana Mexico, and is unable to travel (Proof of Hospital Admittance*)
  3. A member of the patient?s nuclear family has passed away 3 or more days before starting our program in Tijuana Mexico (Death Certificate Required*)
    * Please note that the refund will only be processed after a copy of the required document has been received by our Accounts Manager.

The request will have to be made in writing by the patient (applicable to 2 and 3) or the patient's legally assigned representative; sent by email, fax, or courier; and must be received by our Accounts Manager before 12:00pm Pacific Time, 3 business days before the expected date of treatment as indicated on the Treatment Plan.

All refunds will be sent to the patient (or patient?s family in case of death) within 60 days of receiving a qualified refund request. A minimum processing fee of US $50 and other fees may apply.

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