Publications Listing by Author's Name
Medical research papers, studies, and publications by Josef, Christian, and Ilse Issels.

Publication Directory by Author
Publications by Dr. Josef M. Issels
- Immunotherapy in Progressive Metastatic Cancer, A Fifteen-Year Survival Follow-up, Dr. Josef M. Issels
- Cancer: A Second Opinion, Dr. Josef M. Issels
- Immunotherapy in Cancer, Dr. Josef M. Issels
- List of Publications by Dr. Josef M. Issels
Publications by Dr. Christian N. Issels
- Natural Killer Cell Activation through the Issels Immunotherapy Protocol by Dr. Walter H. Kim and Dr. Christian N. Issels
- Complete Remission of Innumerable Lung Metastases from Melanoma through the Issels Immunotherapy Protocol by Dr. J. A. Jimenez, Dr. M. Garcia, Dr. Y. Arce, Dr. D. Aguilar, Dr. W. L. Kim, Dr. C. N. Issels
Publications by Ilse Marie Issels
Other Related Publications
- Immunotherapie Metastasierender Malignome, by A.G. Audier
- The Biology of Mycoplasma spp. and their Relationship to Malignant Tumors, by Franz Gerlach
- Participation of Mycoplasmas in Oncogenesis, by Franz Gerlach
Cancer: A Second Opinion
The Classic Book on Integrative Cancer Treatment
by Josef Issels, MD
Dr. Issels' revolutionary approach to cancer treatment caused a storm in the medical profession around the globe. Believing that a tumor is merely a local manifestation of a whole body disease, he advocated a personal, "holistic" approach that continues to be studied today.
Click here to order this informative book by Dr. Josef Issels.
[Chinese Edition] 癌症大震撼!德國名醫要救你的高治癒率全 喬瑟夫‧以色斯
Click here to purchase the Chinese edition.
- Academia Theatina Pro Scientiis, Pescara, Italia
- American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., USA
- Federal German Cancer Society and Bavarian Cancer Society
- Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Thermographie, Tuebingen, FRG
- Deutsche Medizinische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Herd-und Regulationsforschung e.V., Dueren, FRG
- Gesellschaft der Aerzte tuer Erfahrungsheilkunde, Heidelberg, FRG
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforshcer und Aerzte e.V. Wuppertal-Elberfeld, FRG, (Oldest
- German Society of Natural Scientists and Physicians)
- Gesellschaft tuer Biologische Krebsabwehr, Heidelberg FRG
- Government Commission "Gesamtprogramm zur Krebsbekaempfung", Bonn, FRG
- Internationale Gesellschaft fuer Blut-und Geschwulstkrankheiten, Munich, FRG
- International Association of Vitamin and Nurtitional Oncology, USA Panamerican Medical Association, USA
- Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh, Scotland (Lifetime Member)
- Scientific Board of the German Medical Journal "Krebsgeschehen", Heidelberg, FRG
- The New York Academy of Sciences, New York, USA
- Vereinigung der Freunde der Gesellschaft zur Bekaempfung der Krebskrankheiten, Duesseldorf, FRG
- Zentralverband der Aerzte fuer Naturheilverfahren, Stuttgart, FRG
- Previously, Issels was featured in a BBC documentary. The Science and Features Department of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), London, aired a 60 minute TV documentary on the lssels Therapy titled "Go and Climb a Mountain". Simultaneously, it was presented to and discussed with a panel of international scientists in the Royal Institution in London.
- From 1981 until 1987, member of and expert adviser to the Government Commission of the "Gesamtprogramm zur Krebsbekaempfung" ("Overall Program in the Fight Against Cancer"), of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Invitation to submit a Study-Protocol to the German Government Commission on "Nachbehandlung des Krebskranken zur Regenerierung der Abwehr" ("Post-conventional cancer therapy to restore the natural defenses")
- Invitation to also submit the above protocol to the special commission on "Research and Education" of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Invitation to submit a Study-Protocol on "lnterdisziplinaere Krebstherapie nach ganzheitlichem Konzept" ("Interdisciplinary Cancer Therapy according to the Holistic Concept") to the "Deutsche Krebshilfe e. V", Bonn, (the German Foundation for Cancer Research).