Publications by Josef Issels M.D.

Publications from Dr. Issels written between 1952 and 1999.

Scientific Publications and Research on the Issels Treatment for Cancer

Publications on Immunotherapy by Dr. Josef Issels M.D.


  • ISSELS, J.:
    "Therapeutische Richtlinien bei inoperablen malignen Tumoren"
    ("Directives for treatment of inoperable malignant tumors")
    Lecture upon invitation by the West German Medical Associations at the Cancer Convention at Berchtesgaden, Germany


  • ISSELS, J.: "Koennen wir von der Chirurgie und der Bestrahlungs-Heilkunde die Loesung des Krebs-Problems verlangen?"
    ("Can we expect the solution of the cancer problem from surgery and radiation therapy?")
    HIPPOKRATES 24 Nr. 10, 1953


  • ISSELS, J.:
    "Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse nach vierjahriger klinisch-interner Therapie beim inkurablen Krebs-Kranken"
    ("Results and conclusions after four years of clinical internal treatment of incurable cancer patients")
    HIPPOKRATES 25 Nr. 16, 1954
  • ISSELS, J.: "Zur Aetiologie des Karzinoms"
    ("On the Etiology of the Carcinoma")
    DER LANDARZT 30 Nr. 35, 1954
  • ISSELS, J.: "Bericht ueber Moeglichkeiten einer Internen Krebs Therapie"
    ("Report on the potential of an internal cancer treatment")
    Presented upon invitation to the German Federal Department of Labor, Bonn, Germany


  • ISSELS, J.: "Einfluss von Krebs-Heilmitteln auf das Tumor-Geschehen"
    ("Influence of Cancer Drugs on the Tumor Growth")
    AERZTLICHE PRAXIS 7 Nr. 43, 1955
  • ISSELS, J.: "Karzinom – aus dem Blut-Eiweissbild ablesbar"
    ("Detection of Cancer from the Blood Albumin")
    MED: MONATSSCHRIFT Nr. 11: 755-756, 1955


  • ISSELS, J.: "Gedanken zur Internen Behandlung von Tumor-Kranken"
    ("On the Internal Treatment of Cancer Patients")
    HIPPOKRATES 27 Nr. 6, 1956
  • ISSELS, J.: "Fokal-Infekt und Krebs"
    ("Focal Infection and Cancer")
    Lecture upon invitation presented at the National Convention of Dentists and Oral Surgeons, Duesseldorf, Germany
  • ISSELS, J.:"Fokal-Infekt und Krebs"
    ("Focal Infection and Cancer")
  • ISSELS, J.: "Koennen Wurzelbehandelte Zaehne Krebs erzeugen?"
    ("Are Devitalized Teeth a Co-factor in Oncogenesis?")


  • ISSELS, J.: "Welche Moeglichkeiten bietet heute die biologisch-interne Tumor Therapie beim krebskranken Menschen?"
    ("Possibilities of a Biological Internal Tumor Therapy of the Cancer afflicted Person")
  • ISSELS, J.: "Interne Krebs Therapie"
    ("Internal Treatment of Cancer")
    Lecture upon invitation presented to the Medical School, Department of Surgery, at the University of Dresden, Germany


  • ISSELS, J.: "Die Rolle des Herdes im Rahmen der internen Geschwulst-Behandlung"
    ("The Role of Focal Infection Within Internal Tumor Therapy")
    DIE THERAPIE-WOCHE 9 Nr. 2, 1958/59
  • ISSELS, J.:"Mit welcher speziellen Diaet kann man Bestrahlte bzw. Operierte Carcinom-Kranke nachbehandeln?"
    ("Which Special Diet is Appropriate after Surgery and Radiation Therapy?")
    Aerztliche Praxis Seite 937, 1958


  • ISSELS, J.: "Auch dem bisher unheilbar Krebskranken steht die Wissenschaft nicht mehr ratlos gegenueber"
    ("Even the hitherto incurable cancer patient is no longer helpless in the face of science")
    LEBENSWEISER July 26, 1958
  • ISSELS, J.: "Angriff auf den Krebs durch Interne Therapie"
    ("Fight against cancer by Internal Therapy")
  • LEBEN UND GESUNDHEIT 54 Nr. 9, 1959
  • ISSELS, J.: "Interne Kombinations-Therapie des Krebses"
    ("Internal Combination Therapy of Cancer")
  • ISSELS, J.: "Einfuehrung in die Interne Krebs-Therapie"
    ("Introduction into the Internal Cancer Therapy")
    (Haus-Verlag der RINGBERG-KLINIK)


  • ISSELS, J. u. WINDSTOSSER, K.: "Ganzheitstherapie – unsere wichtigste Waffe im Kampf gegen den Krebs"
    ("Holistic Therapy – Our Most Important Weapon against Cancer")
    GESUNDES LEBEN 45 Nr. 4 SEITE 1-3 1968
  • ISSELS, J.: "Die klinische Pruefung des CH 23, eines selektiv wirksamen Malignostatikums pflanzlicher Herkunft"
    ("Clinical trial of CH 23 a selective malignostatic preparation derived from medicinal plants")
  • ISSELS, J. u WINDSTOSSER, K.: "Ganzheitliche Interne Krebstherapie"
    ("Holistic Internal Cancer Therapy")


  • ISSELS, J.: "Was muessen wir tun, um die Heilungschancen beim Krebs zu verbessern"
    ("Modalities to improve the cure rate in cancer")
  • VEGETARISCHES UNIVERSUM 21 Nr. 3 mit 12 und 22, 1968, Nr. 1 mit 9, 1969


  • ISSELS, J.: "Interne Krebstherapie: Der Mensch und die Technik"
    ("Internal Cancer Therapy: Man and Technology")
    TECHN WISS. Bl.. d. Suedd. Z. 12 May3, 1970
  • ISSELS, J.: "Klinische Erfahrungen mit der internen Tumortherapie"
    ("Clinical Experience with Internal Tumor Therapy")
    Lecture at the 30. Tagung d. Aerzte d. Ges.f.Erfahrungsheikunde e.V., Baden-Baden
  • ISSELS, J.: "Die Ernaehrung des Krebskranken und Krebsgefaehrdeten"
    ("Nutrition in Cancer and Cancer Prevention")
    Sensen-Verlag, Wien, Austria
  • ISSELS, J.: "Immunotherapy in Progressive Metastatic Cancer – A Fifteen-Year Survival Follow-up"
    CLINICAL TRIALS JOURNAL, 1970, London 7 (3) 357-366


  • ISSELS, J.: "Results of Internal Therapy in Advanced Cancer"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Royal Medical Society in Edinburgh, Scotland
  • ISSELS, J.: "Results of Internal Therapy in Advanced Cancer"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Fondazione Carlo Erba, Milan, Italy


  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Whole body Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Seminar at the Sloan-Kettering-Institute, New York
  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Whole body Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Graduate University, Philadelphia
  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Whole body Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Oxford University Medical Society


  • ISSELS, J.: "Immunotherapy of Cancer"
    Seminar at the Cancer Research Unit of the McGill University, Montreal


  • ISSELS, J.: "Aufgaben und Moeglichkeiten einer ganzheitlich immunologischen Krebstherapie im Rahmen der interdisziplinaeren Zusammenarbeit"
    ("Tasks and Possibilities of a Holistic Immunological Cancer Therapy within Interdisciplinary Cooperation")
    Lecture upon invitation by the Medical Association of the Saarland, Saarbruecken, within the program of continuing education
  • ISSELS, J.: "Aufgaben und Moeglichkeiten einer ganzheitlich immunologischen Krebstherapie im Rahmen der interdisziplinaeren Zusammenarbeit"
    ("Tasks and Possibilities of a Holistic Immunological Cancer Therapy within Interdisciplinary Cooperation")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Cancer Congress, Baden-Baden.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Holistic Immunotherapy of Cancer"
    Lecture upon invitation at the World Congress of Natural Medicine in Florence
  • ISSELS, J.: "Aufgaben und Moeglichkeiten einer ganzheitlich immunologischen Krebstherapie im Rahmen der interdisziplinaeren Zusammenarbeit"
    ("Tasks and Possibilities of a Holistic Immunological Cancer Therapy within Interdisciplinary Cooperation")
    Lecture upon invitation within the program of continuing education of the Medical Associations of Rheinhessen and Mainz, Germany


  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Holistic Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Lecture held at various national medical conventions


  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Whole Body Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Cancer Dialogue New York
  • ISSELS, J.: "Cancer – Whole Body Approach and Immunotherapy"
    Lecture upon invitation at the Swedish Association of Biological Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Grenzen und Moeglichkeiten der Krebstherapy heute"
    ("Possibilities and Limits of Today's Cancer Treatment")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Gesundheitstag Health Convention, Hamburg.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Ganzheitliches Vorgehen bei Krebs"
    ("Holistic Approach to Cancer")
    Poster presentation at the 16th National Cancer Congress in Munich
  • ISSELS, J.: "Nachbehandlung des Krebskranken zur Regeneration der Abwehr"
    ("Follow-up Treatment after Conventional Cancer Therapy, aiming at the Regeneration of the Natural Defenses") Bonn
    Presentation upon invitation to the German Government Commission "Gesamtprogramm zur Krebsbekampfung"("Federal Integrative Program in the Fight Against Cancer")
  • ISSELS, J.: "Interdisziplinaere Krebstherapie nach ganzheitlichem Konzept"
    ("Interdisciplinary Cancer Treatment According to the Holistic Concept")
    Bonn. Presentation upon invitation to "Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V
    Bonn. (The German Foundation for Cancer Research)
  • ISSELS, J.: "Neue Moeglichkeiten Immunologischer Krebstherapie"
    ("New possibilities of Immunological Cancer Therapy")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Cancer Conference, Zurich
  • ISSELS, J.: "Ganzheitliches Konzept der Krebstherapie"
    ("Holistic Concept of Cancer Treatment")
    Lecture upon invitation a the ZDN, Zentrum zur Dokumentation fuer Naturheilverfahren
    (Center for Documentation of Natural Medicine), Karlsruhe
  • ISSELS, J.: Contribution to the Discussion at the Government's "Second Big Cancer Conference" in Bonn


  • ISSELS, J.: "Unkonventionelle Krebsmedizin"
    ("Unconventional Cancer Therapy")
    Lecture upon invitation at the University of Marburg within the program of continuing education
  • ISSELS, J.: "Gezielte Krebstherapie aus Ganzheitlicher Sicht"
    ("Holistic Multidisiplinary Cancer Therapy")
    Lecture upon invitation at the International Kongress fuer Naturheilkunde, Mainz
  • ISSELS, J.: "Spezifische und Unspezifische Krebstherapie"
    ("Specific and Non-specific Cancer Therapy")
    Lecture upon invitation at the ZDN Karlsruhe, Zentrum zur Dokumentation Fuer Naturheilverfahren e.V
    (Center for Documentation of Natural Medicine)
  • ISSELS, J.: "Die biologische Krebsmedizin"
    ("Biological Cancer Medicine")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Cancer Congress Baden-Baden
  • ISSELS, J.: "Unheilbar &ndsah; Urteil oder Vorurteil"
    ("Incurable – Judgment or Prejudgment")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Weltbund zum Schutz des Lebens, Bregenz.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Unheilbar &ndsah; Urteil oder Vorurteil"
    ("Incurable – Judgment or Prejudgment")
    Lecture at the Ozontherapeutischer Arbeitskreis, Darmstadt.
  • ISSELS, J.: "30 Jahre Immuno-Therapie"
    ("30 years of Immunotherapy")
    Lecture at the Gesellschaft fuer Biologische Krebsabwehr e.V.
    (Society for Biological Cancer Control), Hamburg.
  • ISSELS, J.: "Grundsaetzliches zur Internen Behandlung der Krebskrankheit"
    ("Fundamentals for the Internal Treatment of Cancer")
    Lecture at the Cancer Congress Baden-Baden.
  • ISSELS, J.: "Ist der unheilbare Krebskranke wirklich unheilbar?"
    ("Is the Cancer Patient beyond Conventional Help, indeed beyond Help?")
    Lecture at the Jubilaeumskongress 1984 der Gesellschaft fuer Frischzellentherapie
    (Anniversary Congress 1984 of the Society of Cell-Therapy), Munich
  • ISSELS, J.: (Co-Author of Book)
    "Ein Ganzheits-Medizinisches Konzept am Beispiel: Krebs"
    ("A Comprehensive Medical Concept with the Example: Cancer")
    VGM Verlag fuer Ganzheitsmedizin, Essen.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Ganzheitliches Konzept der Krebstherapie"
    ("Holistic Concept of Cancer Treatment")
    VGM Verlag fur Ganzheitsmedizin, Essen.
  • ISSELS, J.: "Grundsaetzliches zur Internen Behandlung der Krebskrankheiten"
    ("Fundamentals for the Internal Treatment of Cancer")
    Medical publishing house: Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg.


  • ISSELS, J.: "Ganzheitsbehandlung Des Krebskranken Menschen"
    ("Cancer: Treatment of Body and Mind")
    Lecture upon invitation at the Cancer Congress Baden-Baden
    (Medical Week in Baden-Baden, German Society for Oncology).


  • ISSELS, J.: "Immunotherapy in Cancer", Explore 1997; 7(6): 14-20. Mount Vernon.

Monographs and Books


  • "Grundlagen und Richtlinen fuer eine Interne Krebs-Therapie"
    ("Fundamentals and Directives for an Internal Cancer Therapy")
    Hippokrates-Verlag, Marquardt u. Cie., Stuttgart.


  • "Mehr Heilungen von Krebs"
    ("More Cures of Cancer")
    Helfer-Verlag, E. Schwabe, Homburg v.d. H.
    Summary of 20 years of experience with Immunotherapy.


  • "Cancer: A Second Opinion", Hodder & Stoughton, London
    Summary of 20 years of experience with Immunotherapy.


  • "Mein Kampf gegen den Krebs"
    ("My fight against Cancer") Biography
    Bertelsmann-Verlag, Munich.


  • "Cancer: A Second Opinion", Avery Publishing Group, now Penguin Putnam, New York.

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