Issels Comprehensive Core Treatment
Treatment protocols that are specifically prepared to meet each individual patient's unique needs to fight cancer.

The Issels Comprehensive Immunobiologic Core Treatment
Our proprietary immunobiologic core treatment protocols are specifically prepared to meet each individual patient's unique needs, which is the key to their success. Extensive non-invasive standard and genomic diagnostic procedures as well as a very special bioenergetic testing program help us identify and eliminate causes for the immune suppression and the disease development.
The results from the analysis also enables us to individualize the treatment plans to an extent that was not possible before and to optimize the synergistic effect of the various treatment components. Through this causal approach a great variety of standard-therapy resistant cancers have become responsive to immunotherapy.
Research-based non-toxic treatment components are integrated into the personalized treatment protocol according to the following strategy:
- Attack against the cancer and enhancement of overall immune and defense functions by scientifically validated non-toxic substances and treatment modalities.
- Removal of causal factors that are known to impair the body's regulatory, repair and immune mechanisms and contribute to disease development.
- Repair of damages to organs and organ systems to restore their proper function and replenish nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, lipids.
- Restoration of innate immunities by biologic immune modulatory treatments.
- Strategies to improve detoxification, i.e. the elimination of metabolic residues, toxic metabolites due to cancer, radiation, chemotherapy and other toxin exposure.
- Education in a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, etc.