All posts by Chris

Guard Your Bones While in Cancer Treatment

Thyroid Cancer
Guard Your Bones

Traditional cancer treatment is brutal on the human body and weakens the immune system. Patients often accept it as a lessor evil that is necessary to combat cancer. They may not know specifically how their cancer can spread or the importance of taking steps to strengthen and protect their bones after a cancer diagnosis. That is why at Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we provide individualized immunotherapy protocols and all the information you need to make informed treatment decisions.

Watch for bone metastases symptoms

Contact your doctor if you develop any new symptoms like bone pain, numbness, or weakness.

Prevent falls

Many cancer medications can make you weaker and light-headed, increasing the risk of you falling and fracturing a bone. Always use handrails on stairs; consider using a walker and getting a professionally installed handrail for your shower.


Talk to your doctor about how much exercise you can and should being doing. Low impact exercises like walking or swimming can build strength and improve your balance and coordination to help you prevent falls.

Bone medications

Discuss available bone medications with your doctor. Medications can strengthen bones, decrease or delay fractures of people with bone metastases, and relieve pain associated with bone cancer.


Be sure your doctor is aware of any dietary supplements you take. This is especially important when you are treated for bone metastases. Some risky interactions can occur when supplements are combined with bone strengthening medications.

For more information on our non-toxic cancer treatments, contact Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology. You can receive the latest news on cancer research and advancements in treatment methods directly to your inbox by signing up for our free e-Newsletter.

5 Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

Eat Healthy And Avoid Metabolic Stress
Nutrition and Cancer

Caring for yourself is an important part of coping with cancer. When you eat the right foods, your body gets the nutrients and energy it needs. Some types of cancer treatments can make it hard for you to eat as you normally would, though. The following cancer care tips can help ensure that you’re able to eat healthy during treatment.

Limit Certain Kinds of Fruits

Eat smaller amounts of fruits with high levels of fructose, such as apples and melons, since your small intestine might have trouble digesting these. Focus on eating fruits with lower levels of fructose, such as berries and bananas.

Cook or Blend Vegetables

Raw vegetables with fiber can be hard to digest. Don’t limit these vegetables, but make sure you either blend them to make a smoothie or cook them. Cooking or blending them makes it easier for your body to digest them.

Be Cautious With Dairy

Some cancer treatments can make you lactose intolerant, although this doesn’t last. Eat small amounts of dairy at a time, and watch for signs of intolerance, such as bloating and gas.

Add Ginger

Ginger can help soothe an upset stomach in those undergoing cancer treatments. Ask your doctor about taking a ginger supplement, or put a small amount of ground ginger in tea.

Avoid Fried Foods

Fried foods that contain a lot of fat can be difficult for your digestive system to handle. Fill up on cooked vegetables and whole grains instead.

Nutrition is just one part of caring for yourself while dealing with cancer. For more help with feeling healthier, contact Issels® for information on personalized non-toxic cancer treatments, such as immunotherapy.

Too Far to Visit? Distance Cancer Caregiving Tips

Too Far To Travel
Too Far To Travel

It’s rare to find families whose members all live close by, and this can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety when you find out someone you love has been diagnosed with cancer. You immediately feel as though you need to contribute in some way, but it’s difficult when you’re not there. Even so, there are many things you can do as a long distance cancer caregiver.

Stay Connected

You might not be able to get on a plane and go visit your relative, but thanks to modern technology, you can still stay connected in many ways. Skype or other types of video calling are great tools that can allow you to talk with each other and see each other at the same time. When used correctly and often, it can make you both feel like you are right by their side. Of course, you don’t want to forget the more traditional forms of communication too. A card or a phone call can go a long way to really brighten anyone’s day and let them know you’re thinking of them.

Take Care of Yourself Too

One of the most important things you can do for someone who cares about you is take care of yourself. If you’re not careful, feelings of worry and sadness can quickly turn into anxiety and depression. Allow yourself to cry, journal your feelings and seek counseling if you need to. All of these can help.

Here at Issels® we feel it’s important to offer support to long distance cancer caregivers. If you’d like to know more about how we can help you or your family member, please contact us.

Expensive Biologic Drugs May Face Competition from the FDA and Biosimilars

Cancer Drug Research
Cancer Drug Research

Biologic drugs are often used to effectively treat serious, life threatening diseases. The downside, however, is cost – on average 20 times more than traditional chemical drugs – hundreds of thousands per year, per patient, annually. It’s not surprising that these costs are neither sustainable for the average household – or the government. At Issels® we know access to affordable medication, such as biologics, can be essential to your cancer treatment success, so we wanted to let you know about the latest efforts in making these medicines more reasonable for consumers.

Step in biosimilars…
Expensive to produce, biosimilars are to biologics what generics are to name brand chemical drugs. The hope is by allowing competition in the market through the production of biosimilars, a more affordable option will be available to consumers than current high-cost biologics.

What’s the holdup?
The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) granted the FDA authority to develop a mechanism for approval of biosimilars, but guidelines have yet to be finalized. Interestingly, the FDA accepted its first application last week despite this fact. Many would-be manufacturers are dragging their feet, however, unwilling to take an investment risk without definitive guidelines and knowledge delays caused by biologics – the inventors of these medications – will halt development and approval.

How much will it save?
Similar programs in the E.U., who unlike the U.S. also regulates prices, have resulted in an average savings of about 30 percent less than branded biologics, keeping tens of billions in the pockets of the government and consumers.

Looking for an affordable, effective alternative to your cancer treatment medications?  Contact Issels® today.

Could the Sea Cucumber be an Alternative Cancer Treatment?

Immune Cells
Whats So Special About The Sea Cucumber

There are many treatments for cancer and one that is leading the way for patients is immunotherapy. At Issels®, holistic integrative immuno-oncology treatment programs is their specialty.

With alternative cancer treatments the main focus at Issels®, the on-going research of sea cucumbers as an additional treatment for several types of cancer is good news.

The sea cucumber is a marine animal with a soft, pliable body and shaped like a cucumber. They range in size from several inches to several feet. Over one thousand species call all of the ocean’s of the world home.

Although extract from the sea cucumber has been used as folk remedies in the Asian culture for centuries, according to the American Cancer Society, “there is little reliable scientific evidence to support claims that the sea cucumber is effective in treating cancer, arthritis, and other diseases.”

With that said, research and studies have been on-going for many years with results indicating the extract from sea cucumbers has a dual effect on cancer patients. Studies are showing that the extract serves as a stimulant to the immune system and kills cancer cells.

Research shows the extract is effective in eradicating cancer cells in the colon, breast, pancreatic, lung, liver, and prostate due to a frondoside A, a triterpenoid glycoside from the sea cucumber and formulated into a compound.

Information about frondoside A, its effects on cancer cells and the immune system, and its future as a potential therapeutic option, is available in an article from the from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

For more information about integrative immuno-oncology, call or contact Issels® about admission and the treatment programs we have available.

Vitamin D Plays a Role in Pancreatic Cancer Unlocking New Potential Treatments

Vitamin D To Reduce Risks of Cancer
Vitamin D is Essential

At our Issels® clinics, our focus is providing treatment programs that work with the patient’s immune system and defense mechanism to naturally eliminate cancer cells.

New treatments on the forefront in the fight against cancer are always good news and when a vitamin is found to be playing a significant role in the treatment of difficult tumors, that makes the news even better.

Pancreatic cancer is a devastating disease with a very low estimated survival rate of five years. A big part of the problem in treating the tumor has been the lack of a complete understanding of a pancreatic tumor’s resistance to current standard treatment.

It is understood that the tumor has the ability to send signals to surrounding cells, called tumor microenvironment. When the cells receive a signal from the tumor, a “shield” surrounds the pancreatic tumor protecting it from drugs and healthy immune cells. With the barrier in place, the tumor can continue to grow.

A study by the Salk Institute has found that a derivative from vitamin D weakens and collapses the shield protecting the tumor. The findings from the study have resulted in both human and animal clinical trials.

The outlook for vitamin D as a positive influence on weakening protective cells surrounding tumors may also mean other difficult tumors, such as those found in the liver, kidney, and lungs, will also be susceptible to treatment.

At Issels®, we are dedicated to providing quality programs and treatments for our patients. If you would like more information about our clinics and our locations in the U.S. and abroad, please contact us by phone or use our convenient online form.