Category Archives: Alternative Cancer Treatment

Weight Gain with Breast Cancer is Not Uncommon – What to Do

Not Everyone Looses Weight
Not Everyone Looses Weight

Weight loss is a common stereotype of cancer diagnosis and treatment. If you are dealing with breast cancer, it’s not unusual to actually gain weight. Factors such as personal and financial stress and the disruption of physical activity all play a part, but there are physiological reasons as well.

Effects of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy

Some people have a natural tendency to gain weight when treated with chemotherapy and steroids. The cause can be indirect if treatment causes you to enter menopause, which can also trigger weight gain.

An enzyme known as LPL controls the transfer of fat between cells in your body. Estrogen suppresses this LPL activity with fat cells. If your hormone levels drop due to cancer treatment, LPL is able to pull more fat into the fat cells where it is stored instead of burned.

Tips for maintaining a healthy weight

While weight control is important under any circumstances, being overweight can increase the risk of cancer recurrence, providing another vital reason. Here are some principles to consider when developing a healthy eating plan.

  • Basic mathematics still apply. If you burn more calories than you consume each day, your weight will go down.
  • However, all calories are not created equal. A 1,200-calorie-a-day diet consisting of sweets and high-fat foods is not going to do the trick. The same amount of calories consumed in fruits, vegetables and lean protein is a nutritionally sound way to lose weight.
  • Keep insulin levels steady by eating small amounts of low-carbohydrate foods throughout the day.

Our natural immuno-oncology treatment is designed with your personal needs in mind. Visit our website to learn more.

The World Health Organization Says Your Cancer is Not Due to Bad Luck!

Gene and Cell Therapy
Differentiating Between Genetic and Other Cancers

With a recent study and headlines worldwide trumpeting that cancer is caused by bad luck, the World Health Organization just rebutted this claim in this recently published press release:

“The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), WHO’s specialized cancer agency, strongly disagrees with the conclusion of a scientific report on the causes of human cancer by Dr Cristian Tomasetti and Dr Bert Vogelstein, published in the journal “Science” on 2 January 2015 and widely reported in the mass media.

The study suggests that random mutations (or “bad luck”) are the major contributors to cancer overall, often more important than either hereditary or external environmental factors.

“We already knew that, for an individual to develop a certain cancer, there is an element of chance, yet this has little to say about the level of cancer risk in a population,” explains IARC Director Dr Christopher Wild. “Concluding that ‘bad luck’ is the major cause of cancer would be misleading and may detract from efforts to identify the causes of the disease and effectively prevent it.”

While at Issels we know that certain measures can help reduce your risk of cancer, such as wearing sunscreen and not smoking, the researches slammed by the WHO stated that roughly two-thirds of cancer types result from random DNA mutations instead of high-risk behavior or heredity. The press picked this up as cancer simply caused by your own “bad luck”.

Mutations vs. Genetics

The study that was mentioned by the WHO included 31 types of cancer, and results showed that 22 of them were associated with random DNA mutations. These included brain, pancreatic and ovarian cancer. The nine types that weren’t linked to these mutations included skin cancer, lung cancer and other cancers that are more strongly associated with risk behaviors, environmental factors and heredity.

Why Would WHO Slam This Report?

The World Health Organization states that “According to current knowledge, nearly half of all cancer cases worldwide can be prevented.”

We don’t believe, like the WHO, that cancer is your fault. Get the facts and information you need on non-toxic ways to treat cancer at Issels. We offer a wide range of safe, effective methods, including cancer immunotherapy treatment.


Could Eating Eggplant Boost Cancer Fighting Immune Response?

Immune System Building Foods
Fighting Cancer With Veggies

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce your chances of developing cancer. It’s also beneficial in boosting your immune system if you do receive a cancer diagnosis. Studies have found that eggplant is full of nutrients and substances that specifically fight cancer.

A nutritional powerhouse

While eggplant is a staple in many Eastern cuisines, it’s not used often in America. Eggplant is related to the tomato, and as such is actually a fruit, not a vegetable. It comes from a variety of nightshade, which is why it was considered poisonous at one time.

Nutrients found in eggplant include vitamins K, B and C along with potassium and copper. Thanks to its rich, deep-purple skin, eggplant is loaded with antioxidants and anthocyanins which block the activity of free radicals that can cause cancer.

Eggplant is put to the test

A study published in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine examined the effects of applying eggplant extract cream in two cases of 60-year-old men suffering from basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma. In the first case, breakdown of the tumor after only two weeks reduced lesion sizes by half. The second case resulted in normal tissue replacing some of the cancerous tissue after six weeks. After another three weeks, tissue was completely normal and the lesion much smaller.

The extract penetrates more deeply through the skin, so eating eggplant may not produce the same results. But its nutritional profile still makes it a worthwhile addition to your diet.

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National Cancer Institute Is Emphasizing Spirituality in Cancer Care

Your Body Knows Best

After receiving a diagnosis of cancer, it’s natural to have questions that can’t be answered by your care givers or loved ones. You may wonder about life’s purpose and meaning and where you fit in the universe. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommends making spirituality a major part of your care resources.

The role of spiritual coping

Most adults in America define themselves as a follower of a specific religion. Even those who don’t often believe in God or a higher power and live their lives based on certain doctrines.

Patients often find great comfort in reaffirming their spiritual beliefs to cope with the uncertainty and anxiety caused by their illness. Your particular beliefs and traditions can also help as you and your health care provider make important decisions about treatment.

Your spirituality offers valuable guidelines to your health care providers and other care givers as well. Spiritual and religious beliefs are intensely personal, which makes it difficult for many patients to bring up the topic. Don’t be reluctant about proactively initiating these discussions.

What is the difference between spirituality and religion?

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. Religion usually involves a formal set of practices within an organized group. Spirituality is a more individual concept referring to your beliefs about the meaning of life and your connection with others. You can be highly spiritual without belonging to a specific religion.

Our natural immuno-oncology treatments are personalized to take into account your lifestyle and other individual factors. Contact us to learn more about our innovative program.

One Fight Against Cancer – A Story of Immunotherapy

Fighting Cancer With Immunotherapy
Fighting Cancer With Immunotherapy

When 36-year-old real estate agent Sue Scott’s cervical cancer was found to have not only returned, but spread to her lymph nodes just a few short months after she believed it was beaten, Scott put on her boxing gloves and turned to immunotherapy.

Limited options
Having previously received the maximum amount of radiation possible in her lifetime and with chemo unable to prevail against Sue’s metastatic cervical cancer, she turned to the surgeon who previously treated her mother’s uterine cancer with a hysterectomy.

An experimental approach
Following in the footsteps of her mother, Sue also underwent a hysterectomy, as well as the removal of cancerous lymph nodes and organs. The surgeon then proceeded to tell her about an immunotherapy trial at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda that could give her a chance.

Immunotherapy at work
In immunotherapy, the patient’s own immune system is used to attack tumors, offering hope to metastatic cancer sufferers who have little left in the way of treatment options. There are multiple forms of immunotherapy available. Sue’s treatment involved T-cell therapy in which tumor-fighting immune cells are isolated, grown in a lab, and then re-infused into the body. The tumor is then removed and a regimen of intense chemo follows.

Promising results
A month after the conclusion of Sue’s treatment, CT scans revealed significant shrinkage to the 7 tumors throughout her body. Two months following treatment she was cancer-free, and appears to be in remission nearly three years to the day of her diagnosis.

Are you looking for alternative cancer treatments that give you the chance at the same promising results Sue experienced? Contact Issels® today to learn more.

Is the Price of Cancer Care Killing Patients?

Stack of Money
Is the price of cancer care too high?

Fighting cancer involves full concentration of a patient’s physical, mental and emotional resources. Keeping a positive frame of mind is one of the most effective weapons in the battle. Sadly, patients are increasingly distracted by concern over the financial toll of their survival.

It’s not unusual for a full round of chemotherapy to cost $100,000. Medication can run into the thousands just for one month’s supply. Considering the fact that these treatments are only a fraction of the total medical care required by cancer patients, it’s clear that the dollars involved go well beyond any investment undertaken by most people.

We consider life to be priceless, but cancer patients are forced to consider the literal value of gaining an extra year, month, or even week. They conduct a debate with themselves whether or not it’s worth the gamble of leaving their families with no financial resources.

Since not all treatments are covered, healthcare insurance is often only a partial solution at best. Far too many people exist in the grey area where they are above the threshold of qualifying for assistance but not well-off enough to afford the exorbitant costs of medical care.

This quandary also puts healthcare providers in a difficult situation. Not only do they have to weight the risks and benefits of potential treatments, they have to consider the economic hardship they could mean for patients.

Our caring staff at Issels® work with you every step of the way to develop a personalized course of alternative cancer treatment to fit your individual needs. Please contact us to learn more about our services.