Category Archives: News

New Developments in Treatment for Blood Cancer Drug Resistance

New Blood Treatment
New Blood Treatment

Recently you may have seen some promising cancer research in the news concerning treatment for blood cancer drug resistance. Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed a drug that has the potential to reverse this resistance. Preliminary testing has shown great promise and may potentially be used for patients that have certain types of leukemia and lymphoma. These drugs are made from chemically engineered immune proteins that are considered to be antibodies. As these antibodies stick to the proteins on cancer cells, the immune system is directed to kill the cancer cells.

The reason these new drugs are working for people who have experienced resistance is that many of these drugs can be developed to prevent cancer cells from being able to hide from the immune cells, according to a study published in the Cancer Cell journal. This research was done by scientists located at the University of Southampton as well as professionals at BioInvent International. These studies were funded by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Research Foundation in the UK.

A new antibody that is called BI-1206, has also been discovered and it can prevent tolerance by binding to a certain molecule that is called FcyRIIB; this allows for cancer cells to be destroyed. A six year plan is being put into place by a team of professors and scientists in Southampton and Sweden to build on this exciting research. With more information and newly developed treatment options, blood cancer drug resistance may see great changes in the near future.

At Issels we want to help you stay abreast of cancer research news. For more breaking news please subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

Cancer Rates Increase in China Creating a Healthcare Crisis

Chinese Cancer Rates Are On The Rise
Chinese Cancer Rates Are On The Rise

The United States has made progress in recent years reducing the number of smokers. As a result, we have seen the male mortality rate from lung cancer decrease from 55 out of 100,000 people in 2000 to 40 per 100,000 in 2012, according to World Health Organization (WHO) data. As smoking rates increased among women, lung cancer increased for them as well.

At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we know that your actions, lifestyle, and choice of cancer treatment can have a significant impact on your likelihood of surviving cancer. Right now, a crisis of increased cancer mortality is brewing in China.

China’s health crisis

The persistently high percentage of smokers, unhealthy diet, obesity, and toxic air pollution in China have lead to an increase of lung, bowel, and breast cancer rates. The mortality rate from lung cancer grew from about 50 out of every 100,000 men in 2000 to 60 per 100,000 by the year 2012. WHO officials say the rate of breast cancer has increased to the point that it is killing almost as many women as lung cancer.

Chinese welcome special patient hotels

Because many cancer patients in China do not trust the available treatment in their hometowns, they choose to wait for treatment in the larger cities that have more advanced facilities and cancer specialists. This has lead to the advent of special patient hotels. Different from traditional hotels, these facilities are in apartment blocks. For as little as $7 per day, patients and their families have a place to cook and stay while awaiting cancer treatment.

At Issels, we don’t make you wait for a specialist to become available. We provide rapid delivery of non-toxic treatment protocols to help your immune system combat and defend against cancer. Contact us today to learn more about our cancer treatment program.

Could It Be True that Pot Kills Cancer Cells?

Marijuana Tests Positive For Fighting Cancer Cells
Marijuana Tests Positive For Fighting Cancer Cells

Information about pot and its medicinal powers regarding cancer is a hot topic, especially with some states easing up on the sale of medical marijuana. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with cancer and you have questions about options, at Issels®, you can learn everything you need to know from specialists providing cancer treatment programs.

Does Cannabis really help treat cancer?

According to a publication by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, the answer is yes. The publication states “Recent animal studies have shown that marijuana extracts may help kill certain cancer cells and reduce the size of others.”

The  publication goes on to say, “Research from one animal study suggests that extracts from whole-plant marijuana can slow the growth of cancer cells from one of the most serious types of brain tumors.”

Marijuana does not have the approval of being a true medicine by the US Food And Drug Administration. Further studies indicate particular cannabinoids (chemicals) found in the plant are medically inclined. Based on this information, the FDA has however, approved two medications containing the two chemicals – THC and CBD.

THC is the cannabinoid that impacts patients positively. The chemical helps decrease pain and inflammation, help with muscle control, and alleviate the aggravation and stress of an upset stomach. It also increases the appetite which aids patients who don’t feel like eating.

Studies are also underway to determine the effect of marijuana on:

  • Mental disorders
  • Seizures
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Disorders from substance use
  • HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, AIDS and multiple sclerosis

Please contact us in the US, Canada, or abroad at the numbers listed on our website or fill out the convenient form for more information on alternative cancer treatment.

Living Healthy: Peanuts May Help Increase Longevity

Fighting Cancer With Peanuts
Fighting Cancer With Peanuts

An apple a day is said to keep the doctor away, and now it turns out adding a handful of peanuts to your daily diet could keep your funeral away to boot. How? A recent study has determined consuming peanuts and tree nuts daily is associated with a lower risk of dying over a 5-6 year period versus those who ate few or none. How “nuts” should you go? Issels® has the the 4-1-1 for helping you live a long, healthy life.

The nutty news…
The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, linked consuming peanuts and tree nuts such as walnuts, pecans, and almonds with fewer deaths from heart-related issues, as well as fewer deaths overall. And you don’t need to munch predominately on costly kernels such as tree nuts either. Peanuts, a far more affordable option to tree nuts, offers similar cardiovascular benefits for far less cost.

Go nuts. Peanuts that is.
As long as you’re not allergic, consuming these lucky legumes can increase your longevity by 21 percent over nut naysayers. These benefits were seen with the consumption of about 2/3 of one ounce, or 17-18 grams. Even better? The findings held true regardless of smoking, drinking, body mass, and metabolic condition.

What’s in a nut?
Peanuts are nutrient rich, packed with unsaturated fats, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. It’s theorized the goodies packed in plant-based peanuts could help maintain the heart’s endothelial function, and consequently cell-lining blood vessels. This in addition to the nut’s heart-healthy antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Is your health making you nutty? Issels® can help. Contact us today to learn more about our proven immunotherapy cancer treatment options today.

Bayer Give $1 Million to Aid in Cancer Information Technology Platform

Stack of Money
Big Donations

Here at Issels® whenever we hear a great piece of cancer news, we’re always excited to share it. According to a recent news article, Bayer HealthCare, one of the giants in the world of healthcare, has contributed one million dollars toward funding for CancerLinQ.

Advances in technology have paved the way for improved cancer treatments in recent years, and CancerLinQ is no exception. Experts believe that this technological platforms is going to be very instrumental in unlocking information about patients who are living with cancer. This information can then be used to alter the quality of care cancer patients receive, as well as work towards developing more personalized treatments for them.

Once data has been captured from current cancer patients, as well as from their caregivers, CancerLinQ goes to work on their individual needs and experiences. This is a revolutionary concept that has the ability to improve care for everyone who is affected by a cancer diagnosis.

Bayer Healthcare has been committed to cancer research for years. Their oncology franchise includes three products and many compounds that are currently being developed. It is exciting to see that they have partnered with the Conquer Cancer Foundation and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and it will be even more exciting to see how CancerLinQ changes the quality of care for cancer patients in the years ahead.

A cancer diagnosis can change so many parts of your life, but your road to remission doesn’t have to be paved with uncertainty and pain. Here at Issels®, we view cancer treatment and patients very differently. We would love to talk to you about alternative treatment options. Please contact us.

Team Finds New Treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

Cancer Research
Cancer Research Finds New Treatment for Blood Cancer

Australian researchers have found that a drug called Imetelstat has the potential to fight and sometimes defeat blood cancer. Following the recent trials in Brisbane, the FDA has recently cleared the way for clinical trials in the United States.

How Does Imetelstat Kill Cancer Cells?

The medication works by manipulating a particular protein of the blood. Imetelstat effectively “turns off” a certain gene to prevent the formation of a protein called telomerase. Without that protein, the stem cells that become leukemia cells cannot be formed. Existing cancer cells begin to disappear.

The news is especially exciting because chemotherapy has its lowest success rates with acute myeloid leukemia, or AML.

Patients who have undergone unsuccessful chemotherapy for AML can potentially use Imetelstat to prolong life or possibly enter remission. For all AML patients, Imetelstat could be used as a follow-up treatment after chemotherapy to help prevent the cancer from returning.

What’s Next for Blood Cancer Medicine?

After the Australian team recently published their findings and made a presentation to the American Society of Hematology, interest in the treatment has further increased.

The FDA had previously been concerned by a possible connection between Imetelstat and liver problems, but that issue has been ruled out. With that hurdle cleared, optimism is building for the breakthrough drug to succeed in human trials and find approval for all patients with AML.

Many alternative treatments are currently available for patients with cancer resistant to standard therapies. Contact Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology for information about our innovative cancer treatments.