Tag Archives: Causes of Cancer

Tobacco Use Still Dominates as a Cause of Cancer

image of used cigarettes in sand.
Tobaccos Link to Cancer

Thanks to wide-spread education about the dangers of tobacco use, smoking is at an all-time low in the United States. Despite this, tobacco is still linked to 40 percent of all cancer diagnoses, and these cases are not limited to just lung cancer.

Tobacco Use Continues to Be a High Risk Factor for Cancer

Disturbing information was reported in a recent article from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Tom Frieden, director of the CDC, stated that nearly half of the country’s 36 million smokers could die from tobacco-related diseases.

Of those 18 million potential fatalities, one-third is projected to come from cancer. Smoking is generally connected with lung cancer, but tobacco use is also tied to cancer in the throat, liver, pancreas, stomach, and eight other parts of the body.

Good News about Tobacco Use

A separate report issued by the CDC detailed the progress that’s been made in reducing cigarette smoking. In the 10-year period between 2005 and 2015, smoking among adults dropped from 45.1 million to 36.5 million for a change of more than five percentage points.

Reduction in tobacco use has not occurred across the board. Males, especially African-Americans, still account for a high proportion of smokers, while groups such as the low-income and less-educated have the highest smoking rates.

Cancer Treatment Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

Each cancer diagnosis arises from a unique combination of factors that can include lifestyle choices, such as smoking along with heredity and environment. Our immunotherapy for cancer treatments are designed to meet the specific needs of your case. Contact us to learn why Issels® is the leader in state-of-the-art immunotherapy for cancer.

WHO Says Bacon and Sausage is Dangerous Like Cigarettes for Causing Cancer

High Protein Diets Linked to Cancer
Who Says Sausage and Bacon is Bad

For years, a patient’s overall lifestyle has been one of the factors considered in developing our alternative cancer treatments at Issels®. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently provided additional evidence for this approach by placing popular breakfast meats on their list of cancer-causing substances.

Pork is #1 on the hit list

Last October, WHO issued their updated list of commonly-used substances that can cause cancer. Bacon, ham and sausage were added to the list, with processed meats joining asbestos and cigarettes as the highest-ranking carcinogenic substances.

Studies indicate that haem, a pigment that gives red meat its color, may irritate the linings of the intestines. Another possible cause comes from the preservatives used to keep meat for a longer time, which can ultimately form carcinogenic substances.

Should you give up red meat?

Some researchers remain unconvinced of the link between processed meats and bowel cancer. Neurobiology professor Robert Pickard of the University of Cardiff maintains that eliminating red meat from your diet is not as valuable a protection against cancer as reducing smoking, drinking alcohol and overeating.

Nevertheless, the World Cancer Research Fund International advises that you can reduce your risk of bowel cancer by limiting consumption of red meat to 500 grams cooked weight per week. Meat-eaters also tend to have a lower intake of fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with fiber along with antioxidants and other healthy nutrients, so upping produce consumption can also lower your risk.

Our Issels® alternative cancer treatments incorporate a healthy lifestyle as an element of our individually created protocols. Visit our website to learn more.

Blood Cancer May be Caused by Malaria Carrying Parasites

Alternative Cancer Treatment
Blood Cancer and Malaria

A promising new study, published August 2015 in the scientific journal, Cell, establishes a possible link between malaria carrying parasites and the development of blood cancer.

A Surprising Link Found

In the study, a group of scientists used mice to demonstrate how malaria-carrying parasites, such as mosquitos, may lead to blood cancer. Although at present there is nothing to show that the same response may occur in humans, the results are promising as far as determining a surprising cause and effect between seemingly unrelated events that have confounded doctors for more than 50 years.

Prolonged Exposure is a Contributing Factor

Over a prolonged period of time, when a specific immune cell named B lymphocyte is exposed to the malaria infection, it develops cancer-causing faults within its make up. Ultimately, a certain blood cancer called Burkitt’s lymphoma presents.

P53 Plays a Key Part

Interestingly, the absence of a protein called P53 plays a key role in whether the immune cells mutate into cancer cells. The mice used in the aforementioned study were selected specifically because of the absence of the P53 gene.

More Research is Needed

More research is necessary before conclusive evidence will emerge regarding the relationship between prolonged exposure to malaria and Burkitt’s lymphoma in humans. However, the clues uncovered in this study represent a giant step toward a cure for this devastating disease.

As more information becomes available to the scientific community regarding Burkitt’s lymphoma causes and cures, you can rely on Issels® to bring it to you in an easy to understand, comprehensive fashion. Contact us today to learn more about our integrative immunotherapy services and treatments.