BPA is back in the news. This time industrial chemical Bisphenol-A has been linked to prostate cancer. Two years ago, fear about BPA’s effect on infants and young children caused the Food and Drug Administration to ban its use in baby bottles, infant formula packaging and children’s cups. However, the agency ruled there was not enough scientific evidence to ban BPA’s use in food packaging. Since then, despite public demands and introduction of several bills, Congress has failed to pass legislation banning BPA in food packaging.
Prostate Cancer Danger
Already associated with breast cancer, diabetes, obesity and hormonal abnormalities in children, BPA, which mimics estrogen when it enters the human body, has now been linked to prostate cancer. Researchers at the Cincinnati Cancer Center found that men with prostate cancer exhibited BPA levels in their urine that were two to four times greater than men who were cancer free. More importantly, BPA levels were highest in younger men under 40 who are typically at lower risk of developing prostate cancer. In animal research, BPA has triggered prostate tumor development and growth.
“BPA may potentially contribute to either the development or progression of prostate cancer, or the BPA is more predictive of cancer,” study leader Dr. Shuk-mei Ho told Newsweek. Noting that the Cincinnati study was small in scope, Ho said immediate, larger studies are needed.
Chelation Therapy Removes Toxins
When integrated into Issels’ integrative immunotherapy core program, chelation therapy may aid treatment of BPA-linked prostate cancer. An alternative cancer treatment designed to eliminate undesirable substances from the body, chelation removes heavy metals, chemical toxins, mineral deposits and fatty plaques that may contribute to cancer growth. For more information about chelation and other alternative cancer treatments, visit our website.