Five Life Changing Tips for Cancer Caregivers

Tips For Cancer Caregivers
Tips For Cancer Caregivers

Being a caregiver for a loved one with cancer is one of the more stressful, yet also one of the more rewarding roles you will ever perform. You are called on to provide both physical and emotional assistance, but at the same time it’s important that you maintain your own strength and positive frame of mind.

Using these five valuable tips can change your life and that of your loved one.

  1. Don’t be afraid to talk about the future.

You may be reluctant to look ahead, but talking about the future takes your minds off present difficulties and helps maintain an atmosphere of hope.

  1. Be present and interact during clinic visits.

Whether your loved one is receiving non-toxic immunotherapy or more conventional treatment, education and knowledge makes you better equipped to give meaningful support.

  1. Encourage your loved one to follow an everyday routine.

Cancer patients can easily feel isolated, so engaging in regular activities as much as possible gives them a degree of comfort and stability.

  1. Enlist help from friends and family.

No matter how strong you are, you can’t do it alone. Talk to others about help with specific tasks or even taking over for a day to give you a break.

  1. Make time for yourself.

Plan regular outlets for stress such as exercise, yoga and meditation, or dinner with friends. Caregiver support groups can also be immensely helpful.

As you help your loved one to seek out cancer treatment options consider that our IsselsĀ® non-toxic immunotherapy protocols have fewer side effects, allowing patients to have a greater quality of life during treatment. Contact us to learn more about our individualized immune-oncology programs.

Considerations on Genetic Testing of Family Members for Cancer

Genetic Disposition
Genetic Disposition

In 2013, Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie raised public awareness of genetic testing for cancer. Her mother died at the age of 56 after a lengthy battle with cancer, and Ms. Jolie subsequently discovered she carries a gene mutation that is a marker for increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Our non-toxic immunotherapy program takes genetic predisposition toward cancer into account as part of our personalized treatments. Do you have a family history of cancer? Here is what you should know about genetic testing for cancer.

Family history review

Your doctor will begin by constructing a family tree and noting any incidence of cancer to determine possible pattern. In addition to breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer is another form that is often linked to a single mutation.

Assessment and testing

Once the family tree is complete, a determination will be made as to your personal risk of developing cancer. It’s estimated that between five and 15 percent of cancers are hereditary, but an increased risk is not a guarantee that cancer will develop. Based on the results of the assessment, your doctor may recommend genetic testing.

Emotional impact

Any consideration of a serious illness such as cancer will bring up a number of emotions. The genetic testing process includes counseling to help patients deal with the anxiety, guilt and other feelings that may arise.

Your family history, lifestyle and environment are some of the personal factors used to develop our individualized non-toxic immunotherapy program. Visit our website for more information about IsselsĀ® and our comprehensive integrative cancer treatment therapies.