Tag Archives: Alcohol

Alcohol Use is linked to Seven Different Types of Cancers

Alcohol Linked to Seven Different Types of Cancer
Alcohol Linked to Seven Different Types of Cancer

It’s time to acknowledge that alcohol consumption has an overall negative effect on health. Based on recent research in Addiction, alcohol has a direct causal effect on seven types of cancer.

In addition to liver cancer, frequent drinkers are more likely to develop cancer in the colon, bowel, mouth and throat, and breast cancer in women.

The Link between Alcohol and Cancer

While past analyses have concluded that the link between alcohol use and cancer may not be causal, the latest research indicates that the statistics are simply not strong enough for the link to be explained by other factors.

A report, written by New Zealand’s Jennie Connor of the University of Otago, explains the connection:

• Alcohol caused about 6% of cancer deaths in 2012.

• Women who consume 2 drinks per day have a 16% higher risk of dying from breast cancer compared to non-drinkers.

• Heavy drinkers (averaging 5 drinks per day) have a 40% increased risk of cancer.

• Mouth, throat, and esophagus cancers are more strongly linked to alcohol (the risk of colon and breast cancer are heightened, but less so).

Is Moderate Drinking Safe?

Research doesn’t rule out the safety of drinking moderately — defined as an average of 14 drinks per week or less. However, the report stresses that alcohol is linked to other cancers, besides liver cancer, and that these risks outweigh anecdotal evidence like wine being good for the heart.

Emerging Science: Immunotherapy for Cancer

Immunotherapy for cancer may help patients interested in non-toxic, forward-thinking treatment options such as cancer vaccines and immune cell therapies. Contact us at Issels® for information about our individualized cancer care.

Is Drinking Alcohol Linked to Cancer? – The New Guidelines

Is Drinking Alcohol Linked to Cancer
Is Drinking Alcohol Linked to Cancer

Over the last several years, you’ve heard and read about researchers touting the health benefits of moderate drinking, such as red wine’s positive effects on the cardiovascular system. More recent findings are eroding that advice as evidence shows even light drinking increases the risk of several forms of cancer.

UK changes guidelines for the first time in 20 years

This past January, based on new information the United Kingdom’s Chief Medical Officer announced an update to low-risk drinking guidelines that had been in effect since 1995. The recommended limit of 14 units of alcohol per week is for both men and women, as opposed to the previous different guidelines for each sex.

One unit of alcohol equals eight grams, or approximately two teaspoons of pure alcohol. For comparison purposes, a small glass of wine contains slightly less than two-and-a-half units, while a pint of beer includes two units.

Alcohol increases risk of several types of cancer

Studies have established a clear link between low-level drinking (defined as an average of one drink per day) and higher risk of seven types of cancer: breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, bowel, liver and larynx. Integrative immunotherapy takes into account relevant aspects of your lifestyle, such as your pattern of alcohol consumption, when forming your individual treatment program.

In addition to lifestyle factors, our Issels® integrative immunotherapy programs use detailed information from special testing methods to address your particular needs. Contact us to learn more about our non-toxic protocols and how they can allow you to maintain a higher quality of life during the treatment process.