Prostate cancer claims the lives of over 27,000 men each year. It’s now estimated that one in seven men will contract this deadly disease within their lifetime. The Issels® Centers for Immune-Oncology have good news regarding the fight against prostate cancer. This is one disease that responds well to preventive measures. Prostate cancer prevention starts with small lifestyle changes.
Improve Your Diet
Steer Clear of Processed Foods – these have been shown to increase the risk of developing all cancers. Improving your diet is the first and easiest step you can take to prevent the onset of prostate cancer.
Consume More Vegetables – vegetables contain nutrients that have been shown to improve the body’s ability to combat illness. One easy way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet is to juice green smoothies at home. Include kale, carrots and celery when possible.
Eat More Fish – Fish contains an important element known as omega-3, a fatty acid that has been linked to a reduced chance of getting prostate cancer. When possible, choose wild fish over farmed.
Get More Exercise
Moderate exercise has been shown to protect against all cancers, including prostate cancer. If you only have time for one type of exercise, choose exercises that get your whole body moving over ones that only move portions of your body. For example, walking would be better than bicycling and swimming would be better than weightlifting, as far as prostate cancer prevention is concerned.
When you implement these easy lifestyle changes, you may save more than one life. When your son sees the effort you protect your prostate health, he may adopt his own healthy lifestyle changes.
For questions and to discuss treatment programs for a loved one who may already have prostate cancer we encourage you to contact us at Issels.