Category Archives: Alternative Cancer Treatment

Sponge-Like Implant IDs Early Cancer Metastatic Cells for Earlier Treatment

Early Detection
Early Detection

An exciting new development in the battle against all forms of cancer has been announced by the journal Nature Communications. Engineers have devised a sponge-like apparatus that attracts the attention of cancer cells, causing them to cluster—not in an organism’s organ—but on the man-made apparatus. This represents a step toward controlling metastatic cells in patients suffering from breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer in the future.

FDA Approved Material

The device is made of a sponge-like “biomaterial” that has already received FDA approval for use in medical devices. Although it has only been used in lab rodents with breast cancer, the material could be tested in humans very soon. It works like a decoy to attract cancer cells and distract them from clustering in the body’s organs. So far, the results have been promising, and researchers are eager to begin the next phase.

An Effective Decoy

Ordinarily, cancer cells break loose from a tumor and are attracted to other areas in the body by immune cells. In the research results, these immune cells flocked to the sponge-like material, which is its natural reaction to any foreign body. The cancer cells end up being caught in the device and consequently reduced the numbers present at other sites, preventing them from colonizing other organs in the live test rodents and enabled researchers to extract them from the body while they remained inside the absorbent sponge-like material.

These findings are very positive and represent the ongoing strides that are being taken in the quest for a cancer cure. However, treatments like this will have to go through many stages before they can be made available to the public. To stay informed about the latest treatments available, and to receive more information about non-toxic cancer treatments, contact the Issels® Center for Immuno-Oncology.

Presence of the Protein CSN6 in Bowel Tumors Linked to a Poorer Bowel Cancer Prognosis

Protein Found In Bowel Tumors.
Protein Found In Bowel Tumors.

The Issels® Center for Immune-Oncology reports that a study conducted by researchers based at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center found that the presence of a specific protein molecule in bowel tumor samples indicate a less favorable prognosis.

Samples from patients suffering from bowel cancer were examined for a protein molecule called CSN6. This protein molecule is a regulator for multiple pathways. Among other things, it regulates some cell life cycles. Researchers looked at tissue samples from the actual tumor. In cases where the CSN6 molecule was found to be present, the colorectal cancer prognosis was determined to have a much shorter recurrence-free survival rate. In other words, where this protein molecule was found, those patients were more likely to have a recurrence of the colorectal cancer than in patients whose tumor samples did not contain the protein molecule.

These findings could be helpful in determining the best course of treatment for patients. The molecule itself could potentially be a future treatment target after further studies on its different pathways and possible molecular alterations. Bowel cancer patients can have the tumor tissue sample analyzed for the presence of the CSN6 molecule. If found, those patients would warrant closer monitoring and more frequent follow-up visits to catch future cancer recurrence as soon as possible.

Though these findings sound negative at first reading, they have very positive possibilities for colorectal patients. Using this discovery, higher risk patients could have a better chance of survival than before.

To learn more about the results of this study, or to find out more ways to handle a bowel cancer diagnosis, please contact us today at Issels®.

New Liquid Biopsy Finds Cancer Markers Even Before Illness for Early Action

Test tubes in a laboratory
Liquid Testing

The detection of cancer has just taken a step forward. Historically, a cancer diagnosis came right out of the blue, sometimes without warning or symptoms. Issels® Center for Immuno-Oncology, reports that a new liquid biopsy test is changing that history, proving the ability to diagnose if a person is at risk through study of their genes.

Pathway Genomics, a global health and research company, has developed a liquid biopsy test which can detect cancerous mutant DNA in completely healthy people. A liquid biopsy is an examination of fluid or blood drawn from the individual to find cancer cells within the blood. The test utilizes gene sequencing to compare genetic markers within the person’s blood sample. Those markers are then contrasted with genetic markers found in common cancers such as ovarian, breast, lung, and colon cancers. If there are genetic markers that match, then the test has found evidence that the patient is at risk of contracting said cancer in the future.

One downside to the liquid biopsy is it can only detect up to a certain point. That limit is determined by how much we already know about cancers. Until we understand more, this test is limited, as the patient might have a rare cancer. Experts have also warned that ill-informed patients could learn of a genetic anomaly and panic, potentially taking drastic steps in reaction to something that was simply natural.

With that said, this new non-invasive liquid biopsy is a life saver to those unaware that they’re at risk. It’s worth keeping track of this new diagnostic test. For more information about cancer and its treatment, contact Issels®.

50% of Ovarian Cancer Patients Missed Early Treatment

Missed Early Treatment
Missed Early Treatment

A shocking study published by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston concluded that half of the patients eligible for intraperitoneal/intravenous chemotherapy, a form of treatment that is delivered into the body cavity and the veins of a patient, did not receive the treatment, even though they could have because they were eligible. The most common symptoms of ovarian cancer are bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and frequent urination, though often these symptoms are mistaken for other minor problems.

It’s important to check with a doctor if you are experiencing strange symptoms in the lower abdominal region, as they are often more than just a reaction to digestion. Ovarian cancer is so dangerous because most patients only find out about it when it’s too late, and not earlier when it could have been prevented and or mitigated. A study performed in 2006 showed that this cancer treatment led to over a year where the disease exhibited no signs of progression. It also said that people who took this treatment lived four to five years longer than those who only took intravenous treatment.

It’s critical to survival rates to discover ovarian cancer before it’s too late; a whopping one-third of those who receive treatment early are reported to live ten years longer than those who didn’t receive any at all.

At Issels®, the Center for Immuno-Oncology, we are committed to helping all our patients experience the best survival rate possible following an ovarian cancer diagnosis. Through a combination of better eating habits and non-toxic treatment options, your prognosis has never had a more shining future. Contact us today for more information.

Flavonoids Found in Fruits and Vegetables May Cut Breast Cancer Risk in Older Women

Eat Fruit To Reduce Breast Cancer?
Eat Fruit To Reduce Breast Cancer?

Here’s another reason to start eating right: a new group of scientists are looking more closely into specific molecules within fruits and vegetables called flavonoids, which show promise in reducing the risk of breast cancer. Flavonoids are molecules within fruits and vegetables found to have health and antioxidant benefits. One type of flavonoid in particular, called luteolin, is being studied for its significant benefit during hormone replacement therapy in women.

Luteolin is a plant compound that has many biological benefits such as anti-inflammation, anti-allergy and anticancer. It’s used in Chinese traditional medicine for treating multiple illnesses such as hypertension, inflammatory disorders, as well as cancer. Luteolin acts by suppressing cancer cell survival pathways, and inducing other pathways that promote cancer cell suppression.

The researchers sought to uncover luteolin’s effect on breast cancer cells and animal test subjects. They observed a reduction in tumor growth and regression in the cancer cells as luteolin blocked the cells from progressing, similar to another flavonoid called apigenin. According to the researchers, luteolin is more effective, because it has a low probability of metabolizing into a toxic compound.

The researchers stated that luteolin can be effective if it’s injected directly into the blood stream, and may one day in the future be able to be used as an IV compound.

There is still much to be learned about the many valuable components that can be derived from fruits and vegetables, such as flavonoids, which could one day lead to the discovery of new medicines. That’s a future worth looking forward to. For more information on cancer care and non-toxic treatment, contact Issels®, your Integrative Immuno-Oncology experts.

Prostate Cancer Prevention Starts with Small Lifestyle Changes

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatment
Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate cancer claims the lives of over 27,000 men each year. It’s now estimated that one in seven men will contract this deadly disease within their lifetime. The Issels® Centers for Immune-Oncology have good news regarding the fight against prostate cancer. This is one disease that responds well to preventive measures. Prostate cancer prevention starts with small lifestyle changes.

Improve Your Diet

Steer Clear of Processed Foods – these have been shown to increase the risk of developing all cancers. Improving your diet is the first and easiest step you can take to prevent the onset of prostate cancer.

Consume More Vegetablesvegetables contain nutrients that have been shown to improve the body’s ability to combat illness. One easy way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet is to juice green smoothies at home. Include kale, carrots and celery when possible.

Eat More Fish – Fish contains an important element known as omega-3, a fatty acid that has been linked to a reduced chance of getting prostate cancer. When possible, choose wild fish over farmed.

Get More Exercise

Moderate exercise has been shown to protect against all cancers, including prostate cancer. If you only have time for one type of exercise, choose exercises that get your whole body moving over ones that only move portions of your body. For example, walking would be better than bicycling and swimming would be better than weightlifting, as far as prostate cancer prevention is concerned.

When you implement these easy lifestyle changes, you may save more than one life. When your son sees the effort you protect your prostate health, he may adopt his own healthy lifestyle changes.

For questions and to discuss treatment programs for a loved one who may already have prostate cancer we encourage you to contact us at Issels.