Category Archives: Alternative Cancer Treatment

What Are Probiotics? How Can They Help Me?

Get Your Probiotics
Get Your Probiotics

Living healthy. This is something we see, hear, and read about on a daily basis. For many, healthy living is a choice, for many others, it’s necessary due to health issues. Either way, living a healthy lifestyle is a positive goal to focus on. At Issels ®, we focus on providing you with the help and support you need to live healthy including nutritional tips for cancer patients.

Another word you might have heard in the world of health is “probiotics.” These friendly bacteria and yeasts are good for the digestive system. They’re found in the digestive system and in certain foods such as yogurt, honey, cheese, oats, and pickles. There are also over-the-counter supplements for these friendly bacteria.

Benefits of probiotics include:

  • When your body loses bacteria, probiotics serve as a replacement
  • Probiotics keep bad bacteria that can lead to infections at low levels
  • Probiotics work as a monitor to keep good bacteria and bad bacteria balanced

For patients who are going through cancer treatment as well those who have completed treatment, studies show certain probiotic strains help reduce issues of diarrhea due to radiation treatment.

According to an article by Vanessa Wada, MS, RD, studies indicate,”these organisms have demonstrated their potential in minimizing cancer treatment side effects and reducing cancer risk.” That is encouraging.

Her report also notes liver cancer may also be affected by probiotics as well as breast cancer and bladder cancer. As positive research continues into the healthy effects of the bacteria, Dr. Wada suggests adding probiotics to the diet.

If you have questions or need information, contact our staff at Issels in the USA, Canada or abroad by phone. Or use our convenient online form and we’ll respond to your email.

A Look Back at the Successes in Treating Ovarian Cancer

Prostate Cancer
Treating Ovarian Cancer

For the many drafted into the fight against ovarian cancer, its sub-40% cure rate can seem especially daunting. No matter where you’re at in your cancer journey, Issels® wants you to know you have an increased fighting chance thanks to these ovarian cancer treatment advancements which can stop aggressively growing tumors from endangering vital organs and gain time for immunotherapy to work.

Let’s celebrate our success in the hard-fought battle against ovarian cancer!

  • Changes to surgical principles
    Now that the role of surgery is more clearly understood, complete surgical staging (checking the spread of cancer) and debulking (the removal of cancerous tumors), is now recommended for nearly all patients suspected of harboring any residual disease in order to create better outcomes.
  • Intraperitoneal chemotherapy
    A major development in ovarian cancer treatment, this stage three cancer therapy delivers a concentrated dose of chemotherapy directly to the cancer site via a catheter inserted into the abdominal cavity. Strong evidence now associates its use with a major improvement in median ovarian cancer survival rates in women.
  • The addition of bevacizumab
    Bevacizumab, an angiogenesis inhibitor, has offered ovarian cancer victims a variety of bevacizumab-containing regimens which slow the growth of new blood vessels, offering a progression-free survival as opposed to overall survival when other methods have been exhausted.

Who do we have to thank for these treatments?
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®), a not-for-profit alliance of 25 of the world’s leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education, is dedicated to improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of cancer care so that patients can live better lives.

Do you have the right cancer battle strategy? Plot your course for a better life with Issels® today.

Twist Out Cancer Allows Cancer Patients to Share Their Stories

Sharing Their Stories
Sharing Their Stories

As a cancer patient, it can be easy to feel isolated and alone as you fight the illness. Community support can relieve your loneliness and provide inspiration from the encouragement of others. A young woman’s refusal to be marginalized led to the creation of Twist Out Cancer, an online social network allowing members to form positive connections.

One woman’s story

Jenna Benn Shersher was a 29-year-old woman dealing with a rare form of lymphoma that affects fewer than 300 people in the United States. Although her compromised immune system kept her isolated, she decided to proactively reach out for companionship.

Since treatment prevented her from enjoying her favorite pastime of dancing, Jenna posted a video of herself twisting in her room to Chubby Checker songs. She invited viewers to join her on the “dance floor,” and it took only days to receive responses from thousands of people, many of whom shared their own dance videos.

Giving back to the community

After completing treatment, Jenna wanted to use her experience to benefit other cancer patients seeking companionship. Twist Out Cancer is a website devoted to creating bonds through the sharing of thoughts, stories and experiences.

Anyone touched by cancer is encouraged to create their own page highlighting the personal “twist” they use to cope with the disease. One young woman recently issued a challenge to others to “Kiss Away Cancer” by posting selfies of their smooches with family, friends or even passers-by.

At Issels® we look beyond cancer to see the unique individual that you are. Our treatments are personalized to meet your particular needs. Visit our website to learn more about our non-toxic immunotherapy methods.

Google Files a New Patent For a Wearable Cancer Treatment

Advances In Genetics
Advanced Cancer Research

Cancer researchers have been working on coming up with better ways to detect and treat cancer for years. Now, thanks to the work of inventor and cell biologist Dr. Andrew Conrad, the combination of nanotechnology and Google technology has the potential to find and destroy cancer cells in the near future.

Biology Meets Technology

In the latest cancer news, tech giant Google announced a new patent for a wearable device that can detect cancer cells and potentially get rid of them. The device is designed to be worn on the wrist and works with a pill containing magnetic nanoparticles. The device projects a magnetic field that draws the nanoparticles and any cells that are targeted, such as cancerous cells. The nanoparticles are meant to latch onto the targeted cells and draw them toward the device, which then creates and sends energy to blood vessels. Theoretically, this process would result in the cancerous cells being changed into harmless ones or destroyed altogether.

Worth the Wait

Google’s wearable device is still pending approval by the FDA and isn’t expected to be out for five years or more, but it could eventually give hope to those who are either at risk of cancer or those who want an alternative, non-toxic way to treat cancer. The device would provide a convenient and non-invasive way to fight cancer. It could also end up being used to target harmful abnormal cells associated with several other diseases, including Parkinson’s disease and HIV.

If you would like more information on non-toxic forms of treatment for cancer, please contact Issels®. We offer a wide range of Integrative Immunotherapy Programs, as well as cancer vaccines.

TGen Study Looks at Cancer Tumor Cloaking Materials

image of cells
Tripping Down To The Cancer

Treating cancer is difficult enough without the cancer cells hiding behind an extra layer of cellular material called stroma. Researchers at Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) believe drugs that strip away that stroma could improve the effectiveness of cancer drugs. At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we understand complexities of effective cancer treatment. That is why our personalized, non-toxic treatments are based on extensive clinical and scientific research.

The TGen study

The TGen researchers state that breaking down that stroma could significantly extend the life of cancer patients, even those with late stage cancer that has already spread to some of their other organs. The stroma is made up of hyaluronan and various other types of collagen. It impedes anti-cancer drugs from finding their targeted cancer cells. The TGen researchers noticed a correlation between higher levels stroma and poor survival rates among patients with pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic cancer

The pancreas is located behind the stomach. It is responsible for producing essential digestive juices and other necessary hormones. Each year, approximately 49,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Over 40,000 will die, making it the fourth deadliest cancer in America. The median survival time for people with advanced pancreatic cancer is 6 months from diagnosis. Less than six percent live five or more years after the diagnosis.

Dr. Daniel D. Von Hoff, who authored the TGen study, believes therapies that target stroma could lead to much better survival rates.

We want to keep you updated on the latest cancer research and provide the information you need to make informed decisions about your cancer treatment. Visit the Issels® website and sign up for our free e-Newsletter.

Bayer Give $1 Million to Aid in Cancer Information Technology Platform

Stack of Money
Big Donations

Here at Issels® whenever we hear a great piece of cancer news, we’re always excited to share it. According to a recent news article, Bayer HealthCare, one of the giants in the world of healthcare, has contributed one million dollars toward funding for CancerLinQ.

Advances in technology have paved the way for improved cancer treatments in recent years, and CancerLinQ is no exception. Experts believe that this technological platforms is going to be very instrumental in unlocking information about patients who are living with cancer. This information can then be used to alter the quality of care cancer patients receive, as well as work towards developing more personalized treatments for them.

Once data has been captured from current cancer patients, as well as from their caregivers, CancerLinQ goes to work on their individual needs and experiences. This is a revolutionary concept that has the ability to improve care for everyone who is affected by a cancer diagnosis.

Bayer Healthcare has been committed to cancer research for years. Their oncology franchise includes three products and many compounds that are currently being developed. It is exciting to see that they have partnered with the Conquer Cancer Foundation and the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and it will be even more exciting to see how CancerLinQ changes the quality of care for cancer patients in the years ahead.

A cancer diagnosis can change so many parts of your life, but your road to remission doesn’t have to be paved with uncertainty and pain. Here at Issels®, we view cancer treatment and patients very differently. We would love to talk to you about alternative treatment options. Please contact us.