While cancer’s most serious impact is on your health, it can also affect the way you look and feel about yourself. Here are some tips on maintaining a positive self-image while undergoing immunotherapy for cancer or other treatment.
Internal and External Changes Caused by Cancer
Everyone’s cancer is different, and so are the side effects you experience. Common body changes, short-term or long-term, include:
• Scars or other changes in skin
• Fluctuations in weight
• Loss of body parts (limbs, breasts, appendages)
• Loss of fertility
How to Cope with Body Changes
• Grieving is an essential step in dealing with any type of loss. Feeling sad or angry is human, not weak. Give yourself time.
• Coping with cancer can actually have a positive influence on mental and emotional characteristics such as strength and wisdom. Focus on and appreciate the aspects that have improved.
• Be good to yourself. Buy new clothes, experiment with a new hair style or color, try out some different makeup. Continue to take pride in your external appearance and eventually your internal mindset will catch up.
• Stay busy with physical activities, hobbies or volunteering.
• Body changes can cause physical and emotional roadblocks regarding sex and intimacy. Don’t be embarrassed to talk to your doctor for help. These problems can often be resolved.
At Issels®, Each Patient Is Special
We understand that your situation isn’t like that of anyone else. Our immunotherapy for cancer treatments are individually tailored to address your unique needs. Contact us today to learn why Issels® is a leader in state-of-the-art immunotherapy for cancer programs.