Tag Archives: Cancer Diet Tips

Low Protein Diets May Lower the Risk of Cancer

In recent years, Keto, Paleo and other high-protein diets have been grabbing all the headlines. Despite their popularity for weight loss, a low-protein diet may be more valuable in preventing tumors, according to cancer immunotherapy studies.

Protein and the Immune System

Yes-associated protein, referred to as YAP, is found in the population of T-cells, which are the warriors of the immune system. A team of scientists conducted research to explore the effects of YAP in the immune system’s response to cancer.

Studies were done using a group of mice that were genetically engineered to have low YAP in many of the T-cell populations. In particular, research focused on the relationship between YAP and Tregs, a regulatory T-cell that’s instrumental in preventing autoimmune diseases but interferes with cancer immunotherapy.

Results indicated that YAP activity suppresses T-cell function. When YAP levels are reduced or eliminated, it serves to stimulate T-cell function, allowing them to infiltrate solid tumors and block additional tumor growth.

Since Tregs inhibit the effects of immunotherapy, targeting YAP activity toward Tregs can be a positive use. The study, which was published in Journal of Cancer Discovery, offers promising implications for new methods to improve patient responses to immunotherapy.

Potential Benefits of Low-Protein Diets

In addition to possible applications in cancer treatment, low-protein diets have been used to improve other health conditions.

  • High levels of protein put stress on the liver and kidneys, so a low-protein diet can aid people suffering from diseases of these organs.
  • Lower levels of protein may also reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
  • A low-protein diet can prevent build-up of urea, which is waste filtered by the kidneys.

Issels®: Leaders in Cancer Immunotherapy

Our personalized, non-toxic immunotherapy programs have given new hope to many patients. Contact us to learn more.


Strategies to Improve Nutrition during Cancer Treatment

Cancer Nutrition Tips
Cancer Nutrition Tips

If you have cancer, side effects from treatment, as well as from the disease itself, can keep you from obtaining proper nutrition at a time when you need it most. While non-toxic immunotherapy reduces side effects, you may still experience difficulties eating and drinking.

Here are some of the more common problems you may encounter along with strategies to keep them from interfering with a healthy diet.


  • Instead of three regular meals, eat smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid spicy or other strong-tasting foods.
  • Stick with low-fat foods, which are easier to digest. Dry or salty foods can also minimize nausea.

Difficulty swallowing

  • Avoid foods with rough or dense textures.
  • Choose soft foods that can be eaten cold or at room temperature.

Poor appetite

  • Drink liquids at mealtime only as necessary. Consume the majority between meals.
  • Try protein drinks and other nutrient-rich commercially prepared beverages. These can also help if you struggle to meet nutritional needs through food alone.
  • “Graze” on smaller, more frequent meals.


  • Keep a variety of ready-to-eat items on hand.
  • Consume juices and other beverages that are high in nutritional value.
  • Ask family and loved ones to assist with buying appropriate foods and preparing meals and snacks to be stored for quick access.

Our Issels® non-toxic immunotherapy reduces side effects by stimulating your body’s natural immune responses. All treatments are personalized for best results based on your individual lifestyle, environment and genetic predisposition. Visit our website for more information about our cancer vaccines and other integrative programs.

Cancer Treatment Weight Loss Guidelines from the American Cancer Society

Vitamin D To Reduce Risks of Cancer
Add In Some Milk

Even if you’re a little on the “fluffy” side, weight loss during cancer treatment is not good for your recovery. At Issels®, we want you to be as strong as you can during treatment, so we’ve put together this simple guide from the experts at the American Cancer Society.

Why does weight loss make recovery slow and difficult?

  • Surgical incisions require protein for repair and new tissue creation.
  • Cells killed by chemotherapy need protein for replacement.
  • Without the necessary nutrition, your body has to dip into lean muscle mass (in addition to fat stores) to find the necessary building blocks for new tissue.
  • Dipping into lean muscle mass reduces stamina and energy.
  • The culmination of the above effects can weaken your immune system and postpone treatment.

How much weight loss is too much?

  • 1-2% of your body weight in a week.
  • 5% in a month.
  • 10% over three months.

Maintain independence and take control of your treatment by focusing good nutrition.
Get close to your starting weight before your next treatment. Add about 250 calories per day to your diet by:

  • Adding a glass of milk to each meal.
  • Eating a snack in the car on the way to appointments.
  • Have ice cream as a bedtime snack if your mouth/throat is sore or appetite is poor.

Still losing weight?

  • Eat every two hours.
  • Add more frequent snacks.
  • Boost calories in foods you already enjoy.
  • Consider discussing an appetite stimulant with your doctor.
  • Develop a plan for your specific needs with a dietician. There may be free programs in your area.

Hungry for successful results? Contact Issels ® today.