Tag Archives: Cancer Nutrition

Good Nutrition Increases Quality of Life During Treatment

Getting the right vitamins and minerals from the food you eat is so important as a cancer patient. However, many people don’t realize that nutrition is seriously affected by both cancer and the treatments used for it. Here at Issels®, we care about more than just treating cancer. Our focus is on improving your quality of life during your treatments. It is our hope that these nutrition tips for cancer patients will be helpful for you.

Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

Prior to cancer, you may have been fairly healthy. Most people are familiar with what they need to do to eat a healthy diet. You probably focused on eating:

  • Plenty of whole grain foods
  • Less red meat
  • Lots of vegetables
  • Lots of fruits

As you know, when you have cancer your desire for food changes. You may need to make some changes in your diet too. Don’t be afraid to:

  • Eat foods that are higher in fat to keep your weight up
  • Eat high calorie foods
  • Drink plenty of milk if it tastes good to you
  • Eat ice cream because it may be soothing to a dry or sore throat

Why is Getting Adequate Nutrition So Hard for Cancer Patients?

If you have cancer, your body is going through a lot of changes internally. You have probably noticed that your throat is often dry. You may not have much of an appetite, or you could have sore teeth or gums. A number of problems can affect your appetite.

At Issels®, we can help you cope with these and other issues you may be facing. Contact us to learn more.

Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients

Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients
Nutrition Tips for Multiple Myeloma Patients

When plasma cells in the blood become cancerous and form several tumors, the result is known as multiple myeloma. Nutritional diet choices, in conjunction with cancer immunotherapy, can help relieve symptoms and prevent recurrence of this form of tumors.

Rebuilding the Blood Supply

Plasma cells are one of the body’s primary weapons against bacteria and other invaders. When they become cancerous, it can trigger anemia, leaving the body vulnerable to infections.

Best Dietary Choices for Multiple Myeloma

Anemia generally goes hand-in-hand with iron, folate and vitamin B-12 deficiencies, causing fatigue and weakness when the body’s energy stores are already depleted.

– Heme iron, from animal-based foods, is more readily absorbed by the body. Liver and other red meats are rich sources of heme iron, while non-heme iron can be found in beans, nuts and leafy greens such as spinach.

– Folate is a form of vitamin B that’s involved in production of red and white blood cells. Increase folate intake with asparagus, beef liver, broccoli, spinach and beans cooked from their dried forms.

– Vitamin B-12 teams up with folate to make red blood cells. Good sources of B-12 include fish, beef, poultry (including eggs) and dairy. Several brands of breakfast cereals and non-dairy milks are fortified with B-12.

Some multiple myeloma patients end up with a vitamin D deficiency after cancer immunotherapy. Sunlight is a great source of natural vitamin D, while food sources include tuna, egg yolks and fortified dairy products.

Cancer Immunotherapy: A Comprehensive Form of Treatment

Our individually developed, non-toxic cancer treatment programs include a nutritional component to correct imbalances and reduce metabolic stress. Contact Issels® for more information.

Taking Care of Yourself: Nutrition – What You Need to Know When You Have Cancer

Close up classic seafood paella with mussels, shrimps and vegeta
The Connection to Nutrition

Getting the right vitamins and minerals from the food you eat is so important as a cancer patient. However, many people don’t realize that nutrition is seriously affected by both cancer and the treatments used for it. Here at Issels®, we care about more than just treating cancer. Our focus is on improving your quality of life during your treatments. It is our hope that these nutrition tips for cancer patients will be helpful for you.

Nutrition Tips for Cancer Patients

Prior to cancer, you may have been fairly healthy. Most people are familiar with what they need to do to eat a healthy diet. You probably focused on eating:

  • Plenty of whole grain foods
  • Less red meat
  • Lots of vegetables
  • Lots of fruits

As you know, when you have cancer your desire for food changes. You may need to make some changes in your diet too. Don’t be afraid to:

  • Eat foods that are higher in fat to keep your weight up
  • Eat high calorie foods
  • Drink plenty of milk if it tastes good to you
  • Eat ice cream because it may be soothing to a dry or sore throat

Why is Getting Adequate Nutrition So Hard for Cancer Patients?

If you have cancer, your body is going through a lot of changes internally. You have probably noticed that your throat is often dry. You may not have much of an appetite, or you could have sore teeth or gums. A number of problems can affect your appetite.

At Issels®, we can help you cope with these and other issues you may be facing. Contact us to learn more.

Highlighting the Issels Nutritional Immunotherapy Program


Our Issels® immunotherapy for cancer programs are integrative, combining different approaches that focus on the body’s natural defense mechanisms. Good nutrition is essential to keeping your immune system running at maximum strength to target and attack cancer cells.

Eating Right to Fight Cancer

Nutritional immunotherapy for cancer focuses on creating a diet that allows the body to break down and utilize food with maximum efficiency. It goes beyond finding the proper balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats to include choosing foods in their natural state that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Consuming foods in the right combination is another important element of nutritional immunotherapy. The correct balance of acids and alkalines improves cell and tissue health while preventing undue strain on digestive organs.

How Poor Nutrition Affects Health

Research has discovered links between the development of cancer and poor nutritional habits such as excessive consumption of red meat and high-fat foods. Metabolic stress has also been found to diminish the effectiveness of the immune system and deplete muscle strength.

Our immunotherapy treatments are individually tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. Nutritional programs are designed to correct nutritional deficiencies, support optimum functioning of the immune system and other organs, and boost the level of nutrients that increase NK cell activity.

Immunotherapy Offers Hope for Cancer Patients

Other non-toxic immunotherapy for cancer programs at Issels® include vaccines, stem cell treatments and systemic hyperthermia. Visit our website to read and hear testimonials from patients who have been successfully treated for leukemia, carcinoma, melanoma and many other forms of cancer.