Issels® Center for Immuno-Oncology recently discovered an interesting study, linking the Darwinian theory of evolution to the origin of cancer. Life, a delicate web of biological compromises, can go awry with the rogue dedifferentiation of a single cell…
A harmonious cooperative
In evolutionist theory, cooperation gives rise to multicellular organisms from plants to mammals. Surrendering autonomy, single cells prosper with the whole rather than the ruthless competition of their predecessors, singular primordial cells.
Different, but the same
Cells in a healthy multicellular organism differentiate, performing specialized tasks and working for the good of the whole: skin, blood, bone cells and more benefit each other.
Getting greedy
What happens when a cell breaks loose, selfishly multiplies and expands its territory? The free-for-all of Darwin’s pond results in cancer, a selfish dedifferentiation that benefits only itself through excess reproduction and overconsumption of resources. Pathological behavior that ultimately degrades the environment to the rogue’s own advantage, but which ultimately destroys the ecosystem, resulting in its own demise.
Deadly deception
How does this result from a single rogue cell? The cancer cell divides and mutates, creating separate lineages (subclones) with different abilities. Each family of mutated cells works together to make what is necessary for the growth of the tumor, even tricking healthy cells to do their own bidding.
Is there a choice?
The study identified similar kinds of “cellular cheating” in most multicellular organisms: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects – even in plants and fungi; an inescapable consequence of multicellularity.
Is your body’s rebellious side getting the better of you? Issels® can help bring your body back to balance. Contact us today.