Category Archives: Alternative Cancer Treatment

The Importance of Cancer Pathology In Your Cancer Treatment

Sign Stop Cancer
Stopping Cancer

Getting an accurate diagnosis is crucial before making decisions on what type of cancer treatment to undergo. The treatment you’ll benefit from the most typically depends on what type of cancer you have and how advanced it is. One of the most effective ways to determine this is through pathology.

The Role of Pathologists

Pathologists provide in-depth diagnoses and might even end up changing a patient’s diagnosis depending on what they find, although this is rare. These specialists examine tumors and tissue in order to determine whether cancer is present, how serious it is and whether surrounding areas have been affected. They also run additional tests to see if the cancer will spread and study its nature.

Pathologists use advanced technology, including genetic sequencing, to provide an even more accurate diagnosis or to look for genetic mutations that could affect the type of treatment you need. In addition to performing these tests, pathologists consider several other factors, such as:

  • Family medical history
  • Personal medical history
  • Other health conditions
  • Age
  • Imaging tests

Taking all of these factors into considerations, along with test results, helps pathologists come up with the most effective ways to treat cancer. For example, if they find a slow-growing cancer, you might be able to put off treatment and have your condition monitored instead. If you have cancer that’s not likely to spread or a certain genetic mutation, pathologists might recommend targeted therapies. Once you have a diagnosis, you can start considering your treatment options.

If you need help finding the right non-toxic cancer treatment, please contact Issels®. We offer a wide range of nontoxic immunotherapy options for all types and stages of cancer.


Some Health Providers Alter Cancer Care Payments by Bundling

Reducing Cancer Care Costs
Reducing Cancer Care Costs

A new payment method for treating certain types of is cancer being tried by the country’s largest health insurer. UnitedHealth Group (UNH) has announced they will soon launch a pilot program with Houston based MD Anderson Cancer Center. Rather than multiple fee-for-service payments, UNH will pay the cancer center a single bundled payment for treatment of head and neck cancer.

Eliminate billing inefficiencies

The innovative payment plan is to last for three years. Studies have shown that paying several individual fees for testing, radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy cost more than the bundled payment method. UNH believes they can eliminate cost brought on by bureaucratic red tape and give both doctors and patients a better idea what the treatment will cost before it is underway.

Better coordination among doctors

Cancer treatment and related drug cost account for about 11 percent of UNH’s health plan expenditures. While treatment of head and neck cancer is a small part of that, it does involve physicians of various specialties. They will have to work together more closely under the bundled payment plan. If the pilot program does prove successful, UNH plans to expand it to the treatment of other types of cancer.

Our Approach is Different

These are just two of the many types of cancers that Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology has successfully kept in remission for thousands of patients. Without the problem of bundling by such as by some providers, Issels® is able to provide the treatment that you need instead of a “cookie cutter” approach.

For more information about the highly personalized treatment protocols, non-toxic cancer vaccines, and cell therapies used by Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, contact us today. Our therapies are based on 60 years of successful cancer treatment and extensive scientific research.

Google’s Nano-Pill to Detect Cancer

Nano Pills To Detect Cancer
Nano Pills To Detect Cancer

It might seem like it’s too good to be true, but what Google is doing is far from science fiction. They’re working on developing a nano-pill that can detect cancer, as well as other diseases and illnesses. The nano-pill is still being worked on, but the folks at Google are confident that they have the knowledge and capability they need to make their newest idea a reality. 

How does it work?

The nano-pill works by releasing nano particles into the body that are drawn to cancer cells like a magnet. The particles latch on and any information that’s gathered about the cancer cells is sent to a sensor. The best part is that people can begin to get treatments before they would normally have them under traditional detection methods. 

According to a recent article on, it’s relatively easy for academic researchers to pinpoint what might work best for such a project, but it takes a team of qualified engineers, scientists and technicians to design the hardware for such a product. That’s where Google comes in, and they’ve brought their best team members to the table. 

Of course, the challenge is going to be in the clinical trials. Some trials have begun on artificial human limbs, but there is still much research to be done before the nano pill is ready to take the next step. It might be a few years before it hits the market. 

Non-traditional cancer treatments are what we specialize in, here at Issels®. If you’ve been looking for alternative cancer treatments for yourself or a loved one, please contact us. We would love to talk with you about our options.

The Tumor Micro Environment Plays a Role in the Spread of Liver Cancer

Tumor Studies
Tumor Studies

Despite recent advancements in cancer treatments, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of only a few forms that has seen a steady increase in occurrences over the past few years. Scientists have identified a significant difference in this form that could hold the key to reversing that trend.

What is HCC?

HCC is the most common form of liver cancer. Close to 750,000 new cases are reported worldwide each year and it ranks as the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths. In addition, large numbers of patients develop metastases or suffer from reoccurrence of the tumors.

HCC’s Link to Liver Diseases

While most cancers arise within relatively healthy tissues, HCC most frequently develops in livers that are chronically diseased due to hepatitis, inflammation or cirrhosis. This hepatitis-B virus (HBV)-associated HCC creates a microenvironment that contributes toward tumor growth.

Three scientists from the United States and China teamed up for a report on the topic that was published in the Beijing-based National Science Review. The article is a summary of the complex interaction in the HBV-associated HCC microenvironment and how it impacts the onset, progression and metastasis of the cancer.

What Does the Future Hold?

HBV in effect acts as a traffic cop for the intricate network of cells that make up the microenvironment. Scientists are encouraged that this function can be harnessed to help create a more effective treatment for HCC.

Many of the patients receiving our alternative cancer treatment have experienced remission of liver cancer as well as several other forms. Please contact us for more information about the Issels® difference.

Does Your Age Impact Your Recommended Cancer Treatment? Some Say Yes

Does Age Affect Cancer?
Does Age Affect Cancer?

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects thousands of new patients every year. Conventional treatment methods like chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are the most common in the United States, however, research from the United Kingdom has shown that there might be a little bit of bias when it comes to the people who qualify for life-saving surgeries.

According to an article on, surgery is rarely offered to patients who are age seventy-five or older. This is especially true for men who suffer from prostate cancer, or women who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. There is speculation that these patients are considered to be “unworthy” to undergo surgery, and so the option is never even discussed with them. In fact, statistics show that when prostate cancer was detected in men who were age fifty to fifty-four, 29% of them had the surgery to remove it. Only 0.1% of men age fifty-five to eighty-four had the surgery, and no one who was eighty-five or older had it.

Although more women in the age range of seventy-five to eight-four were offered surgery (37%), almost 90% of younger women had surgery for ovarian cancer. Again, not one woman age eighty-five or older was offered this option.

The survival rates for these and other types of cancer in the UK are quite low because of these practices. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though anything will be changing any time soon.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with cancer, here at Issels®, we understand how you feel, and we’re dedicated to not discriminating against any of our patients because of their age. We would love to help you. Contact us.

Tips for Treating Hot Flashes and Night Sweats While in Cancer Treatment

Treating Hot Flashes And Night Sweats

Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night to warm skin and damp sheets? Night sweats and hot flashes are a common occurrence with cancer patients. It can result from your course of treatment or from the tumor itself. Women tend to be more susceptible, but men can also experience either condition.

Sweat is your body’s natural way of regulating temperature. When the moisture evaporates on your skin it creates a cooling effect. Patients being treated for breast cancer or prostate cancer often have hot flashes because treatment can trigger menopause or menopause-like symptoms.

Help is available to control hot flashes and night sweats, allowing you to rest more comfortably. Discuss these options with your physician to determine which one is most appropriate for you.

  • In some cases hot flashes may be treated with hormone replacement therapy. Some patients have had success with certain antidepressants or anticonvulsants.
  • Stress and anxiety are contributing factors, so learning coping skills to deal with these emotions can help moderate night sweats and hot flashes. Meditation is a powerful method, and hypnosis is a newer treatment that has shown positive results.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fibers and keep your home well-ventilated.
  • Manufacturers of herbs and supplements such as Vitamin E and flaxseed make extravagant claims, but studies show that the results are mixed at best. Do not attempt this treatment without consulting your healthcare provider.

At Issels® we utilize a course of immunotherapy that strengthens your own immune system and reduces side effects. Visit our website to see and hear success stories from our patients.