Category Archives: News

Cancer News Roundup

Measles Killing Cancer
Measles Killing Cancer

Here is a roundup of recent discoveries that could lead to new cancer treatments:

Measles Virus Causes Cancer Remission

A concentrated dose of measles virus – the equivalent of 10 million vaccinations — has sent a woman’s incurable blood cancer into remission. A woman with metastasized multiple myeloma was injected with an experimental dose of measles vaccine in a Mayo Clinic trial.

“The idea here is that a virus can be trained to specifically damage a cancer and to leave other tissues in the body unharmed,” the Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Stephen Russell told CNN.

Cancer vaccines that target the tumor and the surrounding tumor microenvironment are producing results that many oncologists and cancer patients are calling “miraculous.” Some researchers believe the recent success with measles vaccine could lead to the development of other “virotherapies” to treat cancer.

Researchers Discover Cancer’s “Mother Cells”

British scientists say they have identified the stem cells that cause cancer. According to London’s Daily Mail, tumors originate from deadly “mother cells” that not only “give them birth” but also nurture and keep the cancer cells alive. Researchers say cancer stem cells also play a critical role in metastasis and the establishment of cancer tumors in other parts of the body.

The existence of cancer stem cells has been theorized, but this is the first time researchers have identified and tracked their progress in cancer patients. Many researchers believe that finding a way to kill cancer stem cells will be a crucial step toward curing cancer.

To stay on top of the latest cancer treatments and news, sign up for our E-newsletter today.

Immunotherapy in the News

Immunotherapy in the News
Immunotherapy in the News

The longstanding treatment for cancer – which typically involves some combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – is no longer the only treatment.

Over the past decade, new therapies including hormone therapy, molecularly targeted therapy and now, T-cell therapy, are exciting researchers and catching attention from the public.

In the news recently on April 2014, professor and researcher Dr. Catherine Bollard of Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine stated that immunotherapy shows promise in treating the disease. “T-cell therapies are becoming the next wave of the future for cancer therapy,” Dr. Bollard is quoted in AuburnPub.

Immunotherapy involves triggering one’s own immune system to combat malignant cancer cells, and providing support to the system. The immune system’s cells – referred to as “T-cells” – are harvested by doctors who then use man-made proteins to “train” the cells to identify and destroy cancer cells without harming other systems in the body.

Though widely effective, chemotherapy has well-known side effects – from nausea to hair loss, fatigue and pain – which happens because the chemo’s powerful toxins attack healthy cells as well as malignant ones.

When used along with traditional treatment, T-cell therapy can reduce the amount of chemotherapy and radiation needed at early cancer stages. This could help the body recover more quickly and offer patients fewer unpleasant  complications. More importantly, the immunotherapy could aid in preventing relapse later one. “The benefit,” says Dr. Bollard, “is that [the T-cells] can go places where the drug therapy can’t, so it can go to parts of the body that would not normally be reached by drug therapy.”

T-cells are still undergoing clinical trials, but experts like Dr. Bollard believe they have the potential to become a standard therapy.

At Issels we have been using our immunobiologic core treatment to boost the body’s immune system with powerful and positive results for patients. We invite you to find out more about our programs.

Big Pharma Roadblocks Hinder Integrative Cancer Treatment

Conventional Medicine is Not the Answer
Conventional Medicine is Not the Answer

One of the things that makes cancer so difficult to treat is its ability to adapt. Recurrence is not uncommon when standard cancer treatment methods, particularly chemotherapy, are used. As explained in our previous post, cancer cells have an uncanny ability to develop a resistance to chemotherapy drugs which can allow cancer to return.

Value of Integrative Treatment

Cancer researchers are finally coming to the conclusion reached decades ago by renowned German cancer specialist Dr. Josef Issels, the founder of Issels Integrative Oncology: Treating cancer effectively requires an integrative approach that combines multiple treatment protocols. Ridding the body of cancer and driving it into long-term remission requires a multi-pronged attack that must be individualized to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Big Pharma Roadblocks

While alternative cancer treatment centers offer numerous beneficial integrative cancer therapies, Western medicine’s current approach to integrative cancer treatment is heavily drug based. Not only is the approach limiting; but, as Dr. Carlos Moreno of Emory University recently criticized on, Big Pharma roadblocks are hindering the development of integrative drug therapies.

Profits vs. Patients

Combining drugs into “cancer cocktails” and treating cancer with drugs approved to treat other conditions has shown early promise. But these approaches require cooperation from drug companies, most of which have so far been unwilling to put patients ahead of profits, Moreno complains.

Issels Puts Patients First

As Moreno points out, cancer patients don’t have time to wait for researchers and drug companies to resolve their differences. Integrative immunotherapy offers an immediate and effective alternative. Issels non-toxic cancer vaccine program is not forced to rely on the largesse of drug companies. Our autologous cancer vaccines are prepared from the patient’s own blood to enhance the body’s natural ability to fight cancer. Visit our website to learn more about integrative immunotherapy.

Big Pharma Criticized for Standing in the Way of New Cancer Treatments

Big Pharmasudical Problems
Big Pharmasudical Problems

“It is time for drug companies to put helping patients first,” says Dr. Carlos S. Moreno. The Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and Biomedical Informatics at Emory University makes a compelling argument on that it’s time large pharmaceutical companies started living up to their stated goal of saving and improving lives. By placing their responsibilities to their shareholders and profit margin over their moral responsibility to better patients’ lives, Moreno says Big Pharma is holding back vital cancer research.

At issue are the roadblocks cancer researchers are encountering as they explore new avenues for treating cancer. As Moreno notes, “Researchers … are making remarkable discoveries to help identify new drugs and drug targets for cancer patients. Many new compounds are under investigation, including those that inhibit the growth of cancer cells, block the blood supply to tumors and prevent tumors from evading the immune system.”

The sequencing of cancer genomes has allowed the development of advanced targeted therapies and is providing researchers with new insights into how cancer grows and why it returns. As Moreno explains:

“One clear insight we have gained is the likelihood that no single drug will be able to defeat cancer. The reason most cancers become drug resistant and come back is because the DNA mutates quickly. Cancer cells that are not killed by the drugs survive, continue to grow and replace the cells that have been wiped out.”

Many cancer researchers have concluded that an integrative approach to cancer treatment is necessary to defeat cancer’s ability to mutate and survive. Unfortunately, researchers are finding that their ability to turn new discoveries into therapeutic cancer treatments is being stymied by Big Pharma’s constant eye on profit margins.

To be continued

High Protein Diet Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

High Protein Diets Linked to Cancer
High Protein Diets Linked to Cancer

Many people swear by high-protein diets, crediting Atkins, Paleo and other protein-intense diets with helping them drop excess weight and keep it off. But by relying on protein to improve one aspect of their health, protein lovers could be opening themselves to an even greater health risk. New research has linked high-protein diets to increased cancer risk.

This isn’t welcome news for meat-loving Americans. Even if you think you’re following a healthy diet, you may be eating more protein than you realize. A surprising number of the most popular weight loss diets in the U.S. are high in protein. According to Health Central, protein-rich foods account for nearly a third of the daily menu in the following diets: The Biggest Loser, Atkins, South Beach, Abs and Zone. Even the Weight Watchers Diet, which is considered to be more well-balanced than most diet programs, recommends that protein comprise a quarter of your diet.

Interestingly, the study found that all protein does not carry the same risk. People who get their protein primarily from animal meat and dairy are at greater risk of developing cancer than those who favor plant-based proteins. Additionally, age seems to be a factor in the intensity of the cancer risk. We’ll talk about that next time.

Diet is an important part of Issels individualized immunotherapy program for treating cancer. At Issels alternative cancer treatment centers in Tijuana Mexico and Santa Barbara, California, our patients receive education in making healthy diet and lifestyle choices that will allow them to continue strengthening their immune system after they leave our care.


To be continued

New Study Shows Value of Vitamin C in Treating Cancer

Vitamin C Against Cancer
Vitamin C Against Cancer

Nearly half a century after Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling suggested that large doses of vitamin C (ascorbate) could be effective in preventing and treating cancer, a new study indicates that vitamin C may indeed be a valuable alternative cancer treatment. In a study recently published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, researchers at the University of Kansas Medical Center found that intravenous administration of high doses of vitamin C increased the cancer-killing effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs in mice and significantly decreased chemotherapy’s toxic side effects in people.

The recent research would seem to vindicate Pauling’s claims about vitamin C which were largely discredited by practitioners of Western medicine in the 1970s when they were unable to document Pauling’s claims in clinical trials.

“There’s been a bias since the late 1970s that vitamin C cancer treatment is worthless and a waste of time. We’re overcoming that old bias,” study co-author Dr. Jeanne Drisko, director of integrative medicine at the University of Kansas Medical Center, told the Los Angeles Times.

The difference in results between previous studies and the latest research may lay in the method of delivering vitamin C. In studies conducted in the 1970s patients took vitamin C orally in pill form. University of Kansas researchers administered the vitamin intravenously.

“When you swallow a pill or eat an orange, vitamin C is absorbed at a certain rate by the gut and excreted very quickly by the kidneys, Drisko explained. “But when you give it intravenously, you override that. Plasma levels can get very high.”

The new development is one more example of alternative cancer treatments that were not “wrong,” just ahead of their time!