Tag Archives: Low Fat Diets and Cancer

Planning Ahead – 3 Tips for Those with Stage Four Cancer

Planning Ahead
Planning Ahead

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with stage four cancer, your initial reaction is no doubt an overwhelming mix of emotions. Once your thoughts begin to settle, you’ll begin to wonder what comes next. Developing a plan of action plays a big part in maintaining a positive outlook, which benefits you physically as well.

First of all, keep in mind that remarkable advances in immunotherapy and natural cancer treatments are allowing many stage four patients to live longer. These three tips will help you stay strong by dealing with your health care needs proactively.

  • Your comfort is of utmost importance. Be honest with your physician or caregiver about any pain you feel so you can discuss ways of dealing with it. Sharing accurate information about your discomfort will also enable your doctor to treat you more efficiently.
  • Make sure you and your physician are on the same page regarding levels of communication. Do you want to know every detail, no matter how small? Would you prefer that your doctor talk to your spouse or other family member? People can’t honor your wishes unless you make them known.
  • For most patients, family is their greatest support system. Talk to your loved ones so you can decide together how they will deal with ongoing information and any decisions to be made.

We have been providing cancer patients with non-toxic and effective alternative cancer treatments for more than 60 years. Visit our website to read and hear testimonials from people who have achieved remarkable results with our individualized immunotherapy programs.

Toothpaste May Contain a Cancer Causing Chemical

Toothpaste Linked To Cancer
Toothpaste Linked To Cancer

Having a fresh breath is an excellent feeling, but finding out your gum disease-fighting toothpaste may cause cancer is frightening. Read on, about one of the top toothpaste brands that may make you take a second look at your toothpaste.

Colgate Total is an extremely popular toothpaste brand in America. However, very few users know this toothpaste uses a chemical known as Triclosan, that has antibacterial properties that help fight gum disease. It now turns out Triclosan is linked to growth of cancerous cells and problems with development in animals. In fact, this has prompted regulators to take a second look at this chemical and determine whether it is safe to add this chemical into soaps and cutting-boards.


Colgate-Total is one of the most popular toothpaste brands in the country. While Colgate Palmolive Co. got the U.S. FDA approval in 1997 to market this antibacterial toothpaste as OTC drug, the toxicology report submitted by the company to the FDA was not made public until 2014.

Our website found the report contained information pertaining to malformation of bones in rats and mice. While Colgate claims the toothpaste is completely safe, scientists who reviewed the report reckon Triclosan disrupts the endocrine system, thereby adversely affecting the functioning of hormones.

Colgate Total has been in the market for 18 years, but there has been no report adverse side effect, according to a Colgate spokesperson. Our cancer news team believes if animal studies show risk then the human population also is at a high risk. So, what does using Colgate Total mean to those millions of people who are trying to keep gum disease and plaque at bay?

To keep up-to-date with more cancer news, make sure to visit our blog regularly.

Healthy Snacking Tips for Cancer Patients – When You Don’t Feel Like Eating

Tips For Healthy Snacking
Tips For Healthy Snacking

It’s important to eat a healthy diet to keep your body and immune system strong. But when you have cancer, there may be times when you don’t feel like eating. You may be too nauseated by traditional cancer treatments to eat. Stress and anxiety can also cause loss of appetite and nausea.

There are no hard and fast nutrition rules for cancer patients. It is common for appetites to fluctuate during cancer treatment. The key is to be flexible and maximize nutrition when you do feel like eating.

Snacking Tips

Try these healthy snacking tips to find out what works for you:

  • Eat your main meal when your appetite is biggest. Many cancer patients prefer a big morning meal and smaller or liquid meals at lunch and dinner.
  • Try sipping protein shakes or smoothies when you don’t feel like eating.
  • Use powdered or liquid meal replacements to boost calorie and protein intake.
  • Make sure you drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated.
  • Eat the foods you can, even if it is just one or two foods. Add additional foods as your appetite improves.
  • Have small, frequent snacks instead of regular meals.
  • Keep snack foods in easy reach so you can nibble when you’re hungry.
  • Choose high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods to maximize nutrition when you do feel like eating.
  • Change the form of a food to make it more appetizing. Mix fruit and vegetables into a smoothie instead of eating them whole.

Avoid the debilitating side effects of traditional cancer treatments. Contact us for information about non-toxic alternative cancer treatments that have resulted in our unique record of complete, long-term remissions of advanced and standard therapy-resistant cancers.

Three Foods That May Boost Your Immune System

Immune System Building Foods
Immune System Building Foods

The cells in your immune system are like an army that protects your body against disease. Whether your body is fighting a virus, bacteria or cancer cells, your immune system serves as your body’s first line of defense. It is your immune cells that seek out and attack cancer and disease cells.

Since an army marches on its stomach, it’s important to feed your immune system fighters well. To keep your immune system in peak fighting shape, a Mediterranean diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables with an emphasis on fish and lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy oils is generally recommended today.

Boost Your Immune System

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, antioxidants and micronutrients that feed the body’s immune system. For a healthy immune system, make citrus fruits, berries, carrots, tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables part of your daily diet.
  • Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids help fuel a healthy immune system. Omega 3 rich fish include salmon, sardines, mackerel, black cod, anchovies, albacore tuna, rainbow trout, and halibut.
  • Dairy products fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D helps regulate cell growth and may impact the growth of cancer cells. For extra benefit, choose dairy products that contain some fat. Dairy fat helps the body absorb carotenoids, antioxidants in vegetables that have been linked to good immune system health. Triple your immune boost by eating yogurt which contains probiotics in addition to dairy fat and vitamin D.

At Issels Integrative Oncology, nutritional immunotherapy to improve immune system function is offered as part of our immunobiologic core cancer treatment program. Contact us today to learn how integrative immunotherapy can benefit your cancer treatment plan.

Three Things to Know About Your Spouse’s Journey with Cancer

Getting Through Cancer
Getting Through Cancer

Cancer has been called a family disease because a cancer diagnosis affects not just the patient, but the entire family. If your spouse has been diagnosed with cancer, his or her journey with cancer will also have a profound effect on your own life and the lives of your children. As your spouse’s leading supporter and primary caregiver, your cancer journey will be different from your spouse’s but is likely to be equally challenging.

What You Should Know

Here are three things you should know as you and your spouse cope with cancer:

1. Keep communicating. Share with each other your feelings and fears about cancer. The more openly you and your spouse can discuss the challenges that occur during the cancer journey, the better you can support each other.

2. Respect your spouse’s decisions. Be an information gatherer and sounding board for your spouse, but respect his or her right to make treatment decisions. You can help your spouse by researching alternative cancer treatments, cancer vaccines and other treatment options and sharing that information with your spouse. Share your thoughts and discuss your fears, but respect your spouse’s right to determine the path of his/her cancer journey.

3. There is more to life than cancer. Life does not stop just because your spouse is diagnosed with cancer. When possible, continue your normal family routine. Make time to talk and cuddle as a couple. Continue to parent as a team. Ask friends and family for help when you need it, and join a cancer support community.

Visit our website to find out how Issels integrative immunotherapy has successfully impacted the cancer journey of many patients.

September Cancer News Roundup

Cancer News Round Up
Cancer News Round Up

Everyday, doctors and scientists uncover exciting breakthroughs and hopeful insights for improved cancer treatment. Here’s a look at some of the latest highlights of cancer news:

Integrative Methods Becoming Mainstream

Patients with advanced forms of cancer and those struggling with the side effects of traditional medicine treatments increasingly turn to integrative methods. CURE Magazine recently profiled the cases of patients who have received Eastern-style therapy and other complementary methods, pointing out the difference between unproven medical care and accepted forms of holistic cancer treatment.

Vitamin D Holds Promise for Skin Cancer

Research from the University of Connecticut suggests that vitamin D may hold the key to creating new drugs for skin cancer treatment.

Making Medicine from Bee Venom

Scientists separating the components of honeybee toxins believe that the proteins and peptides present in bee venom may be able to treat breast cancer cells.

Sigmoidoscopy Effective for Colon Cancer Screenings

The flexible sigmoidoscope, a shorter and thinner alternative to the colonoscope, has been found effective as a colorectal cancer screening tool by researchers in Norway. The device, which is thinner and shorter than the colonoscope, can help doctors detect polyps and remove them immediately with an instrument inside the scope.

Getting Creative with Fundraising

While the “ice bucket challenge” has brought the spotlight on ALS, many people have started getting creative with ways to raise money for cancer research. The Canadian Cancer Society’s “Fearless Challenge” has participants accepting dares and facing fears in exchange for contributions—one person promises to cover his body with tarantulas for $5,000 in donations, for example.

Do you have questions about something you’ve heard in the news? Get in touch with Issels to discuss the latest knowledge on cancer treatments available.