Cancer treatment should not just be about living longer. Your quality of life both during and after cancer treatment should be of equal concern both to you as a cancer patient and to the team of specialists that are directing your treatment. Its focus on improving the patient’s quality of life is one of the benefits of integrative immunotherapy that sets this alternative method of cancer treatment apart from traditional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
What Immunotherapy Does
Immunotherapy taps into the power of your body’s own immune system, activating your body’s natural defenses against disease. Unlike traditional cancer treatments that destroy healthy cells along with cancerous cells, immunotherapy acts with your body to strengthen your immune system and healthy cells while targeting cancerous tumors and the tumor microenvironments that affect their growth and spread. What that means for many cancer patients is no unpleasant toxic side effects, an often faster recovery and a better quality of life during and after treatment.
“Very Exciting” Results
Cancer researchers new to immunotherapy have called its impact “very, very exciting.” As chronicled in the New York Daily News, a woman in the late stages of cervical cancer saw her tumors disappear and now shows no signs of cancer after undergoing an immunotherapy procedure similar to Issels autologous cancer vaccine. In the procedure, immune cells from the woman’s blood were multiplied in the lab and infused back into her blood stream with amazing results. The woman called the procedure “like Gatorade for the cells.”
Thanks to immunotherapy, this woman is one of many who are enjoying complete and long-term cancer remission. Find out more on our website.