Category Archives: Immunotherapy for Cancer

Immunotherapy: A “Fundamental Change” in Cancer Treatment

Medical Research Has Validated that Immunotherapy Works to Fight Cancer
Medical Research Has Validated that Immunotherapy Works to Fight Cancer

As medical researchers have waged a decades-long battle to find a cure for cancer, the possibility of using a patient’s own immune system to fight tumors has been an exciting but unattainable dream. Today that dream is becoming reality with immunotherapy for cancer treatment.

“The Medical Equivalent of Splitting the Atom”

Traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation are designed to attack tumors directly. In contrast, immunotherapy aims to boost the power of a patient’s own immune system to battle cancer.

Dr. Jedd Wolchok, chief of melanoma and immunotherapeutics services at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York City, refers to immunotherapy as a “fundamental change” in the approach to cancer treatment. Billions of dollars are being invested to fund hundreds of trials in which cancer patients anxiously plead to participate.

How Does Immunotherapy Work?

Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues and biochemicals that protect your body against illnesses caused by viruses, bacteria and other foreign substances. Cancer is particularly stubborn because it often evades detection by the immune system, allowing tumors to grew unchecked.

Immunotherapy comes in two basic forms:

  • Immune cells are removed from a patient, reprogrammed to fight cancer cells, and returned back into the patient’s bloodstream.
  • Checkpoint inhibitors are drugs that block the mechanisms used by cancer cells to shut down the immune system.

State-of-the-Art Cancer Treatment at Issels®

Our founder, Dr. Josef Issels, was a pioneer in the development of immunotherapy, and we’re proud to continue his legacy of helping patients successfully fight cancer. Contact us to learn more about our innovative programs of individually tailored cancer treatments.

New Treatment Medications Target Biomarkers in Cancer Versus Location

New Treatment Medications Target Biomarkers in Cancer Versus Location
New Treatment Medications Target Biomarkers in Cancer Versus Location

For many years, cancer treatment has traditionally focused on a tumor’s point of origin. A new form of immunotherapy for cancer that targets biomarkers could open the door for more precise and effective treatment of tumors.

Keytruda: A “Presidential” Immunotherapy for Cancer

Keytruda is the brand name of a drug that had previously been used to treat specific types of cancer such as melanoma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma, often during Stage IV. The drug earned public notice when former president Jimmy Carter received successful treatment for brain tumors resulting from Stage IV melanoma.

In May 2017, after five clinical trials, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved Keytruda for use in treating tumors with a particular biomarker, regardless of location. At this point, the new use of Keytruda is limited to patients for whom other therapies have been unsuccessful.

Cutting Through the Red Tape

The new application for Keytruda was fast-tracked under the FDA’s Accelerated Approval program. If there’s a serious condition with no options for treatment, a drug can be approved solely on the basis that it’s been shown to shrink tumors.

Dr. Gwen Nichols, chief medical officer of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), expressed excitement for the new approval process. According to Nichols, it lets researchers focus on the biology of tumor development instead of looking for generic treatments.

Immunotherapy for Cancer Is the Talk of the Medical Community

Doctors and scientists have been buzzing about advancements in immunotherapy, but Issels® has been ahead of the curve for decades. Visit our website to learn more about our innovative immunotherapy for cancer treatments that are personally tailored for your individual needs.

Precision Medicine May Allow Specialized Treatment Targeting

Precision Medicine May Allow Specialized Treatment Targeting
Precision Medicine May Allow Specialized Treatment Targeting

The rise of immunotherapy and other advancements in cancer treatment have put a positive light on the longstanding fight against the disease. Unfortunately, more aggressive forms of cancer such as lung, pancreatic and brain continue to resist even the most sophisticated therapies.

Not All Tumors Are Created Equal

Renewed attention to this issue arose during recent reports of Arizona Sen. John McCain’s diagnosis of glioblastoma, a particularly stubborn form of brain cancer. Despite extensive research and testing of innumerable treatment modalities, little progress has been made against glioblastoma.

Researchers have come to realize that a paradigm shift is needed in their approach to these hard-to-treat forms of cancer that don’t “follow the rules” of other types. It’s not enough to simply apply methods used to treat tumors with similar mutations.

Targeting Hard-to-Treat Tumors with Precision Medicine

Precision medicine can help determine why these stubborn cancers have failed to respond to previous treatments. For example, the Defeat GBM Research Collaborative is systematically identifying targets for cancer treatment as well as possible areas of resistance.

The blood-brain barrier is a literal roadblock in treating glioblastoma. This network, located within small blood vessels inside the brain, keeps dangerous toxins and chemicals out, but it also repels drugs designed to attack cancer cells.

Cancer Treatment: One Size Does NOT Fit All

At Issels®, we understand that what works with one patient is not necessarily going to work with another. We use specialized testing methods to create an individual treatment program based on your personal situation. Contact us to learn more about cancer vaccines, NK cells and other non-toxic immunotherapy protocols.

FDA Quickly Approves New One-of-a-Kind Cancer Treatment

There is New Hope for Cancer Patients.
There is New Hope for Cancer Patients.

Researchers have made a number of significant breakthroughs in cancer treatment, but a recent development has the healthcare community particularly excited. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a drug that treats tumors based on a genetic abnormality.

Keytruda: A Landmark in Immunotherapy for Cancer

Pembrolizumab, marketed under the trade name Keytruda, was tested on a trial group of 86 patients. The results were remarkable: 66 patients saw their tumors shrink and stabilize, while the tumors in 18 of them disappeared with no recurrence.

What’s different about Keytruda? It’s the first drug that attacks tumors from a shared genetic profile rather than the actual location of the tumor. A prospective patient first undergoes testing to determine whether he or she is a genetic match for the mutations targeted by Keytruda.

Current and Future Possibilities

At present, Keytruda is approved for treating only select forms of advanced bladder, lung and melanoma tumors. The drug will be effective for approximately four percent of cancer patients, which still equates to tens of thousands of people.

Scientists are encouraged by the possibility of further treatment methods tailored to a patient’s specific genetic profile. This ability would greatly enhance development of more accurate targeting and treatment.

Advanced Immunotherapy for Cancer Treatment from Issels®

Issels® uses genomic testing to determine a patient’s individual treatment needs. We then use the information to tailor a personalized immunotherapy for cancer program including methods such as vaccines and NK cells.

We have helped patients with all forms of cancer achieve long-term remission. Contact us to learn more about why the Issels® difference may be right for you.

It’s UV Safety Awareness Month – Protect Your Skin from Melanoma Cancer

Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer.
Keep Your Skin Safe This Summer.

The sun’s rays can give you a nice golden glow, but they can also increase your risk for melanoma or skin cancer. With summer vacations in full swing, July has been designated as UV Safety Awareness Month to promote good skin care habits.

Tips to Protect Your Skin from Sun Exposure

  • Use a broad-spectrum waterproof sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, which have longer wavelengths to penetrate the ozone layer. Look for a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 unless you’ll be outdoors for an extended period of time, in which case you should use SPF 30 or higher.
  • Apply one ounce of sunscreen to all exposed areas approximately 30 minutes before heading outside. Reapply every two hours and more frequently if you’re spending time in the water.
  • Wear a broad-brimmed hat to protect your face and scalp along with UV-blocking sunglasses.
  • Avoid the sun during peak hours between noon and 4 PM. Stay in the shade whenever possible.
  • Sunburn causes skin damage that can lead to the development of melanoma. Even if you’ve taken precautions, seek cover if your skin starts to become pink and tender.

Exposure to the sun can also hasten the development of wrinkles, leathery skin, eye problems and other signs of aging, which is another reason to use protection.

Fighting Melanoma with Immunotherapy for Cancer

At Issels®, our integrative immunotherapy for cancer treatments have helped patients diagnosed with melanoma, leukemia, breast cancer and all other forms. Contact us to learn more about why immunotherapy for cancer may be right for you.

One in five US Cancer Patients Are Diagnosed with a Rare Cancer

1 in 5 US Cancer Patients Are Diagnosed with a Rare Cancer
1 in 5 US Cancer Patients Are Diagnosed with a Rare Cancer

Rare cancers are more common than you think. As a group, they make up about 20% of all cancer diagnoses. However, each specific type of rare cancer is still very dangerous because the symptoms are often misdiagnosed. At Issels®, we often see patients whose rare cancer went undiagnosed despite several rounds of doctor visits and tests.

The American Cancer Society recently shed light on the frequency of rare cancer diagnoses:

  • Rare cancer is defined by annual diagnoses in less than 6 out of 100,000 people
  • 71% of all cases in people under 20 years old are rare types
  • 39% of all cases in people 20 to 39 years old are rare types
  • Younger people have better survival rates for rare cancer than older people

Together, Learning More About Rare Cancers

In some cases, standard cancer treatment fails to work as well as it does for common types of cancer. On the other hand, the ACS notes that innovations in rare cancer treatment often help scientists develop better treatment for all types of cancers.

After a rare cancer diagnosis, it can be difficult to find information if your physicians are not very familiar with the disease. We specialize in advanced stage cancer treatment at Issels®, including rare types of the disease that are not responding well enough to standard therapies.

At Issels®, we offer individualized treatments including cancer vaccines developed using the patient’s own autoimmune cells. Such treatments, known as immunotherapy, are helping patients with standard therapy–resistant and advanced stages of cancer.

Learn more about our integrative immunotherapy approach to cancer treatment on our website or contact us for more info.