In 21 States Cancer Tops the List as the Cause of Death

We Haven't Defeated Cancer Yet
We Haven’t Defeated Cancer Yet

Thanks to increasingly successful developments in treatment, such as the state-of-the-art programs at our Issels immuno-oncology clinics, the number of cancer deaths has dropped significantly over the past 20 years. Sadly, though, it has become the leading cause of death in 21 states, emphasizing the need for continuing urgency in research.

Cancer by the numbers

Projections recently released by the American Cancer Society reveal that more than 1.68 million people will be diagnosed with the disease in the upcoming year, while nearly 600,000 will die from it. In terms of overall numbers, 23 percent of deaths are a result of cancer, second only to 24 percent from heart disease.

While lung cancer is still the most deadly form, the 23 percent drop in cancer death rates between 1991 and 2012 is largely due to a steep reduction in smoking. Only 16.8 percent of Americans are smokers, compared to just fewer than 21 percent in 2009.

Continued optimism in the search for a cure

The American Society for Clinical Oncology issued a statement hailing “our nation’s investment in cancer research,” which has led to major breakthroughs in effective treatment. In particular, advancements in innovative programs such as immunotherapy and molecular targeted treatments have led to a consistent decline in death rates from the four major types: lung, breast, prostate and colon/rectum.

For years, our Issels immuno-oncology clinic has been a leader in the use of non-toxic immunotherapy protocols. Visit our website for more information about our programs as well as testimonials from the many patients of all ages who have been helped by our personalized treatment programs.

Five Life Changing Tips for Cancer Caregivers

Tips For Cancer Caregivers
Tips For Cancer Caregivers

Being a caregiver for a loved one with cancer is one of the more stressful, yet also one of the more rewarding roles you will ever perform. You are called on to provide both physical and emotional assistance, but at the same time it’s important that you maintain your own strength and positive frame of mind.

Using these five valuable tips can change your life and that of your loved one.

  1. Don’t be afraid to talk about the future.

You may be reluctant to look ahead, but talking about the future takes your minds off present difficulties and helps maintain an atmosphere of hope.

  1. Be present and interact during clinic visits.

Whether your loved one is receiving non-toxic immunotherapy or more conventional treatment, education and knowledge makes you better equipped to give meaningful support.

  1. Encourage your loved one to follow an everyday routine.

Cancer patients can easily feel isolated, so engaging in regular activities as much as possible gives them a degree of comfort and stability.

  1. Enlist help from friends and family.

No matter how strong you are, you can’t do it alone. Talk to others about help with specific tasks or even taking over for a day to give you a break.

  1. Make time for yourself.

Plan regular outlets for stress such as exercise, yoga and meditation, or dinner with friends. Caregiver support groups can also be immensely helpful.

As you help your loved one to seek out cancer treatment options consider that our Issels® non-toxic immunotherapy protocols have fewer side effects, allowing patients to have a greater quality of life during treatment. Contact us to learn more about our individualized immune-oncology programs.

Considerations on Genetic Testing of Family Members for Cancer

Genetic Disposition
Genetic Disposition

In 2013, Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie raised public awareness of genetic testing for cancer. Her mother died at the age of 56 after a lengthy battle with cancer, and Ms. Jolie subsequently discovered she carries a gene mutation that is a marker for increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

Our non-toxic immunotherapy program takes genetic predisposition toward cancer into account as part of our personalized treatments. Do you have a family history of cancer? Here is what you should know about genetic testing for cancer.

Family history review

Your doctor will begin by constructing a family tree and noting any incidence of cancer to determine possible pattern. In addition to breast, uterine and ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer is another form that is often linked to a single mutation.

Assessment and testing

Once the family tree is complete, a determination will be made as to your personal risk of developing cancer. It’s estimated that between five and 15 percent of cancers are hereditary, but an increased risk is not a guarantee that cancer will develop. Based on the results of the assessment, your doctor may recommend genetic testing.

Emotional impact

Any consideration of a serious illness such as cancer will bring up a number of emotions. The genetic testing process includes counseling to help patients deal with the anxiety, guilt and other feelings that may arise.

Your family history, lifestyle and environment are some of the personal factors used to develop our individualized non-toxic immunotherapy program. Visit our website for more information about Issels® and our comprehensive integrative cancer treatment therapies.

What Are the Long-Term Side Effects of Chemotherapy?

Chemo Side Effects
Chemo Side Effects

At our Issels® immuno-oncology center, the focus is on non-toxic therapies that work with your body’s own immune system to target cancer cells. Chemotherapy is one of the more widely used of traditional cancer treatments, but it can result in one or more side effects, with some manifesting themselves further down the road.

How does chemotherapy cause side effects?

Chemotherapy, or chemo, uses drugs to attack tumors by disrupting the cell cycle, halting the growth of rapidly dividing cancer cells. Problems arise when the drug also interferes with healthy cells in tissues, such as those in the reproductive, nervous and digestive systems.

Long-term and late side effects

While long-term side effects begin during the course of chemo, late side effects don’t become apparent until well after treatment has concluded. Since the damaged tissue cells continue to grow, the influence of the drugs may take some time to show up.

Some of the more common side effects of chemo include:

  • Fatigue
  • Heart or kidney problems
  • Infertility
  • Peripheral neuropathy, which is loss of sensation in hands and feet
  • Cognitive difficulties and learning disabilities

Side effects differ from patient to patient based on the specific chemo medications used and the patient’s unique physiology. Most side effects, including long-term, turn out to be temporary.

Treatment protocols at our immuno-oncology center are personalized based on thorough testing to determine your specific needs and are chemotherapy-free. This allows us to address the underlying causes of cancer to reduce the possibility of recurrence. Visit our website to learn more about cancer vaccines, immune system enhancements and other non-toxic weapons in our cancer-fighting arsenal.

Five Tips for Healthy Living with Cancer

Fighting Cancer With Exercise
Healthy Living

Continuing improvements in non-toxic immunotherapy have made a positive difference in the physical impact of cancer treatment. Maintaining your mental and emotional spirit is the other half of a winning equation for healthy living with cancer.

Here are five tips for strategies and activities to incorporate in your everyday life.

  1. Play an active role as a member of your own healthcare team.

The unknown is always frightening. Asking questions and learning more about cancer will demystify the disease, giving you a more appropriate and realistic perspective.

  1. Immerse yourself in the arts.

Listening to your favorite music and losing yourself in a good book or movie will distract you from negative thoughts while keeping you in touch with the joy of creativity and imagination.

  1. Join a support group.

Even though your family and friends may be ready and willing to help any way they can, there are times when you need to share with someone who is or has been in your shoes.

  1. Pamper yourself.

Take time to get a massage, practice yoga and meditation, or enjoy a relaxing soak in a bathtub surrounded by scented candles. Treating yourself goes a long way toward relieving physical and mental stress.

  1. Look for the lighter side.

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It boosts your immune cells and triggers the release of endorphins, your body’s natural mood elevator.

Our Issels® non-toxic immunotherapy treatments are designed with your individual needs in mind to help you maintain as much of your normal quality of life as possible. Visit our website for testimonials from cancer survivors of all ages.

Jimmy Carter: the New Advocate for Immunotherapy Treatment

Fighting With Immunotherepy
Fighting With Immunotherapy

Being a leader is nothing new for former president Jimmy Carter. Since the end of his political career, he has devoted his time to human rights activism, and his work earned him the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize. Today he has assumed a role he never anticipated: a leader in immunotherapy cancer treatment.

Carter’s diagnosis and treatment

In August 2015, Carter announced that surgery to remove a tumor from his liver had uncovered four spots of melanoma in his brain. He accepted the diagnosis with grace and strength, but that wasn’t the end of the story.

Doctors at Emory University, which is gaining notice as an immuno-oncology center, began treating Carter with pembrolizumab, an immunotherapy drug sold under the brand name Keytruda. The drug, which received Food and Drug Administration approval just over one year ago, does not work directly on the cancer. It works by harnessing the power of the body’s own immune system to destroy the malignant cells.

What does the future hold?

In a more upbeat announcement in early December 2015, Carter revealed that his brain cancer is gone. Since pembrolizumab is so new to the market, there is little long-range data available, so doctors will continue to watch for any signs of recurrence. The tumors have been slow-growing, which is reason for optimism that, should they return, they will not prove fatal.

Our Issels® immuno-oncology center is another leader in alternative cancer treatment. We offer personalized non-toxic therapies in a state-of-the-art facility featuring experienced, caring doctors and staff. Visit our website to learn more about our innovative treatment protocols.

Individualized Cancer Treatment