Tag Archives: Low Fat Diets and Cancer

Three Tips to Understanding your Cancer’s Prognosis

Understanding Cancer
Understanding Cancer

Cancer is the giant bugaboo that eventually invades everyone’s life if they live long enough. Still, if caught early and treated agressively, a prognosis of cancer is not necessarily an untimely death sentence. Here are the most important things to know about your prognosis once you have defintively been diagnosed with cancer:

It is Fact Based

Though it may mystify the patient to some extent, a doctor’s cancer prognosis is thoroughly grounded in his own and his peer’s medical experience. The doctor will look at such things as the type and location of the cancer, its metastatic stage – that is, how much it has actually spread – and the cancer’s grade – how abnormal it looks and how likely it is to spread even more.

It’s Mostly Statistics

While Mark Twain facetiously opined that there are “lies, damn lies and statistics,” the actual truth is that stats really do tell you a lot about your prognosis. By analyzing various factors such as the specific characteristics of the patient’s disease, the available treatment options and any other health issues, the doctor will make an educated guess as to what will happen.

It is Not Completely Certain

While your prognosis is your doctor’s “best guess” as to the likely course and outcome of your disease, it is by no means 100% certain. Remaining positive throughout the process is always the best medicine.

As you can see, a prognosis is as much art as it is science and the best doctors combine both when making a prognosis. For more detailed information, please contact us at Issels® or you can reach us directly at 1-888-437-7357.

High Cholesterol and Prostate Cancer Recurrence

High Cholesterol
High Cholesterol

Concerns about cholesterol and triglycerides creating problems for something other than your arteries? Apparently so. A recent study suggests a tie between high blood fats and the recurrence of prostate cancer.

The significance of normal blood fat levels
A study of 843 men whose prostates had been removed revealed an association between high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, so-called “bad cholesterols,” and an increased risk of prostate cancer recurrence. Those with high cholesterol saw a 9 percent increase for every a10 mg/dL increase in cholesterol above 200 mg/dL. Thirty-five percent of those with a triglyceride level of 150 mg/dL or higher experienced recurrence as well. Read more information from the study.

Normalization of blood fats may reduce risk
Lead researchers at Duke University explained normalization – even partial – with the help of statins or dietary changes, was tied to a reduced risk of recurrence.

Increases in HDL, “good cholesterol”, raise the bar
The Duke team also found increases in HDL reduced the risk of recurrence by 39 percent for every 10 milligrams per decilitre (mg/dL) increase in the blood.

A word of caution
Though a link was shown, this does not indicate high blood fats as a cause for cancer. Statins for protection are not recommended at this time, according to Dr. Anthony D’Amico, chief of radiation oncology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Understanding the role of blood fats is important
Heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death, attributable to 45 percent of fatalities worldwide. Further research is warranted to further explore this modifiable risk factor and how to best effect it in order to save lives.

Looking to change your lifestyle and safeguard your remission? Learn more about Issels Integrative Oncology integrative cancer treatments.

Scientists Pursue Creative Cancer Detection Techniques

Cancer Detection
Cancer Detection

The earlier a cancer is found and properly diagnosed, the better the odds of effectively treating the disease. At Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology, we understand that different types of cancer behave differently and the best approach is individualized treatment protocols based on each person’s diagnosis. Scientists are now using nanoparticles and cancer sniffing dogs to detect cancer.

These nanoparticles (called nanoflares) connect with cancer cells in blood, causing those same cells to glow. The nanoflares are tiny gold particles that have been coated with luminescent molecules and specifically selected DNA that correlates with the RNA of different cancer cells.

Scientist are hoping to be able to identify different types of cancer by using particular DNA and various colors of molecules.

Google is looking for ways to create pills and wearables incorporating the nanoflares that would simplify the screening process and improve the accuracy of cancer diagnosis. These devices would constantly monitor for cancer cells within the individual, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Different organizations in the United States and UK are attempting to train dogs to screen patients for cancer. Many feel this non-invasive approach could be used for pancreatic and stomach cancers that do not currently have screening methods. The British Medical Journal has already published the results of successful canine scent cancer detection for prostate cancer.

For more than 60 years, Issels® Integrative Immuno-Oncology has been successfully treating cancer with innovative immunotherapy and non-toxic treatment methods. If you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, you do have options. Contact us for more information.

Can Your Hair or Lack of It Be An Indicator for Cancer?

Going Bald?
Going Bald?

Going bald is a fact of life for some men. There are many who dread looking in the mirror in the morning to find that they’ve lost more hair, while others embrace their hair loss by shaving their heads at the first sign of thinning. The truth is that being bald isn’t as big a deal as it was even just a few years go. Although a new study indicates that middle-aged balding might be an indicator for prostate cancer.

The study observed men who were approaching the age of forty-five and came to the conclusion that if they were going bald, they had about a thirty-nine percent increased risk for cancer than men who had all of their hair at that age. It was speculated that this could be because a dip in testosterone resulted in prostate cancer.

However, are these findings accurate enough to cause men to be concerned if they exhibit male pattern baldness?

Physicians say it’s highly unlikely. The study lacks the information that’s needed to support its findings. The best plan of action for any man who is approaching middle age is to visit the doctor on a regular basis and get screened for prostate cancer. Even though baldness might end up being a factor in a cancer diagnosis, the fact is that most cancer patients got the disease because of their genetics or because of a lifestyle choice.

Your family history is a strong indicator of whether or not you’re at risk for developing any type of cancer. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer or any type of cancer, here at Issels®, we understand cancer treatments and patients in a way that’s different from other cancer centers. We’ve successfully been treating patients for sixty years, and we can help you too. Contact us.

Nanoparticles: Attacking Cancer from All Angles

Attacking Cancer From All Sides
Attacking Cancer From All Sides

The second leading cause of death in the U.S., the fight against cancer needs all the weapons in its arsenal that it can get. Step-in nanoparticles, tiny but tough tools ready for battle in the war.

An enormous job for infinitesimal workers: Nanotechnology in early cancer detection
Targeted delivery of specific nanoparticles to a tumor site can induce a reaction with cancer cells, prompting the body to significantly increase the production of biomarkers necessary for cancer identification. Earlier detection and diagnosis allow less burdensome treatments, offers a faster diagnosis than biopsies, and increases chances of recovery.

Miniature mappers: Nanoparticles in imaging
Nanoparticles engineered with magnetic properties are effective imaging agents when used with MRI scans. Nanites bind particularly well with tumors, allowing a very high resolution, clear map of cancerous sites for the planning of surgical removal or treatment.

Small but mighty: Nanites in cancer therapy and drug delivery
A revolutionary new technology in the fight against cancer, nanoparticles are capable of a variety of attacks against this deadly disease. Nanites can be injected into a tumor to produce heat, allowing for the destruction of cancer cells locally with X-rays, magnetic fields, or light; They can be used to encapsulate chemotherapy drugs or genes for localized delivery and a significant reduction in quantity of drugs as well as a reduction in side effects and impact on healthy tissue; and more, including an array of up-and-coming technology (LINK TO GOOGLE ARTICLE) currently under development.

Don’t stand on the sidelines in the fight against cancer. Learn more about how technology at Issels Integrative Oncology can help you today.

New Google Tech Aims to Diagnose Cancer

The Latest In Cancer Treatment
The Latest In Cancer Treatment

Since early diagnosis is key to treating cancer and other diseases, mega-corp Google is working on developing technology that will aid in the early diagnosis of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases, much earlier than is currently possible.

Breakthroughs in nano-technology are hoped to lead the way
Google’s plan is to combine disease-detecting nanoparticles, swallowed via pill, with a wristband that will perform non-invasive blood tests. The goal is for the nanoparticles to identify and match markers for different conditions, then travel back to the wristband to communicate these slight changes in a person’s biochemistry that indicate the early symptoms of disease.

A step ahead
Cancerous and healthy tissues are decidedly distinct, and if Google’s technology is able to identify the unique traces of these unhealthy tissues in the blood before physical symptoms appear, diagnosis can be made when cancer is still preventable or treatable.

Technology dream-team
The product will be developed by the search company’s semi-secret innovation lab, Google X, and led by Dr. Andrew Conrad, molecular biologist and inventor of a now widely used inexpensive HIV test.

Preventing false-positives
Because of the increase in anxiety the identification of these markers could create, Dr. Conrad has emphasized the need for rigorous testing before the product’s release and widespread use to prevent unnecessary worry – or unnecessary treatment. Once released, however, this technology is expected to be a revolutionary and effective weapon in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Looking for ways to become proactive with your cancer treatment plan? Contact Issels Integrative Oncology today.