Category Archives: Immuno-Oncology

Nanoparticles: Attacking Cancer from All Angles

Attacking Cancer From All Sides
Attacking Cancer From All Sides

The second leading cause of death in the U.S., the fight against cancer needs all the weapons in its arsenal that it can get. Step-in nanoparticles, tiny but tough tools ready for battle in the war.

An enormous job for infinitesimal workers: Nanotechnology in early cancer detection
Targeted delivery of specific nanoparticles to a tumor site can induce a reaction with cancer cells, prompting the body to significantly increase the production of biomarkers necessary for cancer identification. Earlier detection and diagnosis allow less burdensome treatments, offers a faster diagnosis than biopsies, and increases chances of recovery.

Miniature mappers: Nanoparticles in imaging
Nanoparticles engineered with magnetic properties are effective imaging agents when used with MRI scans. Nanites bind particularly well with tumors, allowing a very high resolution, clear map of cancerous sites for the planning of surgical removal or treatment.

Small but mighty: Nanites in cancer therapy and drug delivery
A revolutionary new technology in the fight against cancer, nanoparticles are capable of a variety of attacks against this deadly disease. Nanites can be injected into a tumor to produce heat, allowing for the destruction of cancer cells locally with X-rays, magnetic fields, or light; They can be used to encapsulate chemotherapy drugs or genes for localized delivery and a significant reduction in quantity of drugs as well as a reduction in side effects and impact on healthy tissue; and more, including an array of up-and-coming technology (LINK TO GOOGLE ARTICLE) currently under development.

Don’t stand on the sidelines in the fight against cancer. Learn more about how technology at Issels Integrative Oncology can help you today.

The Tough Questions – What Should I Tell My Kids About Cancer?

Telling Kids About Cancer
Telling Kids About Cancer

Naturally, you to want to protect your children from bad news. The instinct to shelter them may make you reluctant to tell them about your cancer; however, it is best that you do. It will be difficult to continue hiding it and children are often able to sense when something is wrong. They may be more worried if they feel that important news is being kept from them.

Explain the Illness
Find a time where you will not be interrupted or distracted.  Younger children will not need as much detail as older ones; too much information may confuse and distress them. Phrase answers to questions so that each child will be able to understand. Children up to age eight may be given a short explanation. Tell them that cancer means a part of your body that is not doing what it is supposed to do. There are bad cells in your body that can spread, so they need to be kept from growing or to be removed.

Prepare for reactions such as the child thinking that they caused the cancer (“magical thinking”) or that it is contagious. You may have to explain that cancer cannot be transmitted to them or the other parent.

For older children, name the illness so that they do not misunderstand. They may need a more detailed explanation and may ask questions about your specific type of cancer. If they have more information, they are less likely to feel helpless.

Explain to the child that there are treatments available that can help and that it is much rarer for people to die from cancer than it used to be.


Could Immuno-Oncology Be the Cancer Cure We’ve Been Waiting For?


Some cancer researchers are calling immuno-oncology the cure for cancer we’ve all been waiting for. While it seems too early to say we’ve won the war against cancer, what western medicine is calling immuno-oncology and Issels Integrative Oncology Centers call integrative immunotherapy, is clearly a giant step in the right direction. Even conservative members of the cancer community consider advanced immunotherapy to be “the most exciting development in cancer care” and have been impressed with clinical reports of “dramatically extended survival,” according to Canada’s National Post.

How Immunotherapy Fights Cancer

One of many problems with traditional cancer treatments — surgery, chemotherapy, radiation – is that they tear down the body, destroying healthy cells along with cancerous ones. Immunotherapy takes a completely different approach. By tapping into the power of your body’s immune system, immunotherapy works with your body, strengthening your body’s natural defenses and helping immune cells to identify, seek out and destroy cancer cells.

“Mind-Blowing” Results

Cancer cells have a frustrating ability to disguise themselves and hide from immune cells. New targeted therapies use T-cells and Natural Killer Cells to unmask tumor cells and strengthen your immune system’s ability to ferret out and destroy cancer cells. Yale University immunologist David Hafler called the results of such treatments “mind-blowing.”

The use of autohemotherapy has also produced some amazing results in a number of patients battling late-stage cancers. Some patients who were told they only had weeks to live have found new hope as their tumors disappeared after immunotherapy treatment.

Issels has been a leader in integrative immunotherapy treatments for cancer for more than 60 years. Visit our website to learn more.

Moms with Cancer Leave Memories for Their Children


When you are a mother, receiving a cancer diagnosis is magnified by the effect it will have on your children and the possibility that cancer may take you from your children before either of you are ready to let go. Cancer is no longer the death warrant it once was. Great strides have been made in treating and arresting cancer. There is real cause for hope even when a terminal diagnosis is received or standard treatments fail.

Issels Integrative Oncology Centers in Santa Barbara, California and Tijuana, Mexico have had considerable success using advanced science-based alternative cancer treatments to achieve long-term cancer remissions in patients who had been considered “incurable.” (Click here to here Issels’ patients share their cancer stories.) But despite the very real possibility of remission, cancer outcomes are often unpredictable. Many mothers understandably choose to prepare for the worst while striving and hoping for the best.

The highly acclaimed little pink book When Mom’s Cancer Doesn’t Go Away: Helping children Cope with Loss and Beyond by Maryann Makekau, author, inspirational speaker and founder of Hope Matters, tackles the issue of loss with honesty and optimism. Written from the perspective of a child, it offers suggestions for creating memories of mom, or “momeries,” to help children grieve and heal.

Memories help us keep our loved ones alive in our hearts. You don’t have to face a terminal cancer diagnosis to find value in creating and compiling family memories. Even if you live to a ripe old age, your children, grandchildren and future generations will cherish the memories you leave behind.


Alternative Therapies Help Relieve Cancer Symptoms, Promote Healing

Artistic Therapy
Artistic Therapy

Cancer is a disease of the physical body, but it permeates every aspect of life, coloring the way we think and feel and even how we relate to ourselves and others. Many cancer patients are so overwhelmed by the burden of cancer that they feel as if they have lost control not only of their health and body but of life itself.

Conventional cancer treatments that focus on treating the body fail to address the emotional, psychological and what some might call the spiritual forces that can have an even greater impact than physical health on an individual’s ability to fight and survive cancer. Alternative cancer treatment centers like Issels Integrative Oncology recognize the power of the mind-body connection to promote healing.

Issels cancer treatment teams take a holistic approach to cancer treatment that nurtures the complete individual. We employ advanced science-based treatment protocols to address the physical aspects of cancer while building up the individual’s immune system and nurturing each patient’s emotional health. We want our patients to leave us with a renewed sense of well-being and hope so they can focus on healing.

Employing the creative arts to aid cancer patients in expressing their emotions and conquering their fear of cancer is one of the alternative cancer therapies that are finding success in helping cancer patients strengthen the mind-body connection that promotes wellness. The use of art, dance, drama, music and writing therapy has been remarkably successful in helping cancer patients manage the stress of treatment, achieve a more positive attitude about cancer outcomes, achieve a higher state of wellness that promotes recovery and increase post-cancer life expectancy.

More next time