Category Archives: Alternative Cancer Treatment

Promising New Protocols for Breast Cancer Detection and Treatment

Super Survivor
New Breast Cancer Detection Technique

Past case records show that breast cancer has a history dating back to the days of ancient Egypt. Flash forward to the 21st century, where five innovative protocols are showing promise in more effective detection and treatment of breast cancer.

  1. Genetic Testing

Approximately 15 to 20 percent of breast cancer cases have a hereditary factor. Genetic testing aids in early detection and allows women to consider preventive measures such as prophylactic mastectomy.

  1. Molecular Breast Imaging (MBI)

With MBI, a patient receives a low-dose injection of a radioactive chemical that is absorbed at a more concentrated rate by breast cancer cells, making them easier to spot. MBI has been shown to be more cost-effective than magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

  1. Internal Radiation

While traditional radiation therapy requires weeks of daily treatments, internal radiation takes a matter of only days. A small catheter-like device is implanted in a patient’s breast, where it emits a higher dose of radiation in a more focused area.

  1. Antibody Medication

Antibody medication disrupts the growth mechanism of certain cancer cells. Newer formulas pair antibodies with a chemotherapy element for more aggressive treatment.

  1. Immunotherapy for Cancer

In contrast with more standard treatments such as chemotherapy that attack cancer cells directly, immunotherapy boosts the ability of a patient’s own immune system to fight tumors. Atezolizumab, a drug currently used to treat melanoma, bladder and lung cancers, has shown positive results in testing on breast cancer.

Issels®: A Leader in Groundbreaking Immunotherapy for Cancer

For years, Issels® has been in the forefront of state-of-the-art immunotherapy for cancer treatments. Contact us today for more information.

New After-Cancer Self-Care Treatments Boost Healing

Create a Positive State of Mind
Create a Positive State of Mind

While immunotherapy for cancer and other innovative methods have improved breast cancer treatment results, women can still suffer from physical and mental side effects that threaten their overall well-being. Many women are finding relief in alternative self-care activities that create a more positive frame of mind and facilitate healing.

1. Brain-Building Exercises

Traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy can sometimes impair the brain’s cognitive functioning. Rehabilitation oncology therapists use tools like game apps to help patients keep their minds sharp and boost their memory skills.

2. Hit the Dance Floor

Dance is a joyous and light-hearted alternative to standard physical therapy. The tango has been found to help patients improve balance, gait and side-to-side movements, skills that sometime suffer during cancer treatment.

3. Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation draw heavily on Eastern medicine concepts of the connection between mind and body. Regular practice clears the mind and relieves stress, which boosts the body’s immune function. Guided imagery is a form of meditation that involves a therapist guiding patients through a series of positive mental images.

4. Natural Medicines

Natural vitamins, nutrients and supplements can work well when paired with conventional treatment methods. If you’re considering this course, be sure to consult your doctor and healthcare team to make choices that will not interfere with other medications or treatments.

Issels®: Creating Treatments Based on Each Patient’s Needs

At Issels®, we strongly believe that a patient’s lifestyle and environment play a role in effective immunotherapy for cancer. Contact us today to learn more about our personally-developed integrative programs including non-toxic cancer vaccines and cell therapies.

Hispanic and Black Males are Less Likely to Receive Prostate Cancer Treatment – Why?

Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, black males are at greater risk of developing prostate cancer than any other race or ethnicity. Despite this, a recently published study shows that black and Hispanic males are least likely to receive treatment of all groups.

Does Race Impact Prostate Cancer Treatment?

The study was conducted jointly by researchers from Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Participants included 327,641 men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer between 2004 and 2011.

Data gathered by researchers included demographic data such as age, race and marital status along with two cancer-specific elements:

  • Gleason score, which indicates the relative aggressiveness of a tumor (a score of 7 to 10 is considered high-grade)
  • D’Amico risk classification, which determines the risk of post-treatment recurrence (low, intermediate or high)

Within all three D’Amico categories, data analysis revealed that black males had “significantly lower odds” of receiving treatment. The same held true for Hispanic males in the intermediate- and high-risk categories.

While some subjects may have followed a new approach called watchful waiting, wherein the patient continues to receive medical care but defers actual treatment, lead author Dr. Kelvin Moses of VUMC points to the “significant disparity” in treatment rates for African-American males. With Hispanic males not far behind, Dr. Moses hopes results of the study will prompt action within the medical community.

Immunotherapy for Cancer Addresses Your Specific Needs

At Issels®, our personally tailored immunotherapy for cancer programs have successfully treated patients with prostate cancer as well as other forms including breast, colon, lung, and melanoma. Contact us today for real-life testimonials from our patients.

Off Label Drug Use Rises in Fight against Cancer

Repurpasing Cancer Drugs
Repurposing Cancer Drugs

In recent years, drug repositioning or repurposing has become a valuable strategy in immunotherapy for cancer as researchers find previously unknown uses for approved drugs.

“Multitasking” Drugs

A research team at the University of Bergen in Norway has been searching for chemical compounds that can shut down a tumor’s signaling system, preventing continued growth and spread. Over a five-year period, the researchers scanned thousands of compounds ranging from Chinese herbs to FDA-approved drugs.

While testing current drugs, the team discovered that axitinib, a drug used on kidney cancer, has properties that knock out communication paths between mutant cells. Since 90 percent of all cancers are caused by mutations, researchers are hopeful that the drug can be put to use on breast, prostate, colorectal and other forms of cancer.

A New Direction for Cancer Treatment

With the development of new pharmaceuticals taking up to 10 years, repurposing has become a popular cost- and time-effective strategy. The University of Bergen team has also identified a handful of other promising compounds for testing. Lead Professor Karl-Henning Kalland believes that axitinib holds strong potential for use in combination with immunotherapy for cancer.

Issels® Is on the Cutting Edge of Immunotherapy for Cancer

Whether it’s repurposing drugs, cancer vaccines or NK cells, you can be sure that Issels® will be a leader in the use of personally developed, non-toxic immunotherapy treatments. Contact us to read and hear real-life testimonials from patients with all forms of cancer, including lung, melanoma and leukemia, which have been successfully treated at Issels®.

Expert States Traditional Cancer Treatments are Out of Step with Modern Advances

Classic Cancer Treatment is Dated
Classic Cancer Treatment is Dated

As the spotlight continues to shine on developing immunotherapy for cancer, the medical community is taking a hard look at traditional cancer treatments. During a recent press conference in Dubai, one of America’s top oncology experts explained why he believes cancer treatment is “out of step” with modern medical advances.

A “Rock Star” of Molecular Medicine Weighs In

Dr. Samuel Bernal, a Harvard-trained professor at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine, is himself a cancer survivor. In addition, Dr. Bernal was the leader of a multi-disciplinary team of molecular cancer researchers for 20 years and has written several books about oncology and the drug resistance of cancer cells.

During last month’s press conference, Dr. Bernal stated that traditional cancer treatments don’t cure the disease, but merely prolong a patient’s life at best. He cites strict FDA requirements for standardized treatments as being counter-productive because no two cases of cancer are the same.

Giving the Immune System a Helping Hand

Based on years of studies and his own personal experience, Dr. Bernal believes that stem-cell therapy is the most effective cancer treatment. He explains that our immune systems usually do a good job of killing cancer cells, but when they slip through and gain a foothold, a patient’s own stem cells provide the greatest boost in fighting the cancer.

Issels®: The Leader in Personally Tailored Immunotherapy for Cancer

At Issels®, all of our personalized immunotherapy protocols are developed to address each patient’s specific case. We also take into account factors such as lifestyle, environment and genetic predisposition. Contact us today for more information about our non-toxic, individualized immunotherapy for cancer programs.

Common Digestive Problems during Cancer Treatment, What to Do to Solve Them

Waking from Cancer Related Digestive Issues
Waking from Cancer Related Digestive Issues

Going through cancer treatment can feel as though you’re fighting an uphill battle. Several different kinds of problems may arise during your course of treatment, but there are ways to lessen their effects or eliminate them entirely. Your friends at Issels® have put together a list of three cancer treatment tips that can help you along the way, allowing you to remain comfortable as you get back to feeling better.

  1. Changing Appetites

A decrease in appetite is normal immediately following an intensive round of treatment. Counteracting this might include eating several small meals a day, as well as eating foods with a high caloric value. Staying hydrated is important even if you’re not eating a lot, which usually means drinking lots of water.

  1. Constipation

Fruits, fiber, vegetables and fluids are what you need to consume if you are having constipation problems. Coupled with a lack of appetite, you might find it hard to get your body moving, and in extreme cases you should consult with your doctor about finding a laxative that will work best for you.

  1. Diarrhea

If your bowel movements are too frequent and too loose, you may want to cut down on the foods mentioned above, though you should still be drinking plenty of fluids. Constant diarrhea should be discussed with your doctor, who may put you on a prescription or recommend an over-the-counter medication to help with it.

To find out more about how Issels® can help treat cancer in any stage or for more cancer treatment tips, give us a call at 1-888-447-7357 or use the contact form on our website.