Five Tips for Coping with Your Cancer Diagnosis

Tips For Dealing With Cancer
Tips For Dealing With Cancer

No matter how strong you are, there is nothing that can truly prepare you for a diagnosis of cancer. Once it’s happened, creating a plan of action helps you maintain a positive frame of mind that’s very important for your cancer care.

Here are five valuable tips for activities that reduce the mental and emotional upheaval and allow you to cope with your cancer diagnosis proactively.

  1. Gather as much information as you can.

Knowledge is power, and the more you educate yourself, the less helpless you will feel. If you would rather leave the decisions to your healthcare team, get whatever answers you need to feel comfortable about your cancer care.

  1. Explore support groups.

A cancer diagnosis can create a profound sense of loneliness. Alleviate the feeling by spending time among others who have been there before and understand your emotions. If necessary, check out a few different groups to find one where you feel comfortable.

  1. Reassess your priorities.

Spend time with people you care most about and participate in activities that give you the most satisfaction. This is where you will gain much of the emotional and spiritual sustenance to see you through.

  1. Take care of yourself physically.

Make sure you are getting enough rest and are following a healthy diet.

  1. Maintain your normal lifestyle as much as possible.

Consistency is comforting, but don’t be afraid to alter your routine when it’s beneficial.

Cutting-edge, non-toxic immunotherapy treatments are part of the effective cancer care programs at Issels®. Visit our website to learn more about our state-of-the-art cancer vaccines and other protocols.

Watch that Powder, Talc use May Cause Uterine Cancer

Talcum Powder Linked to Uterine Cancer
Talcum Powder Linked to Uterine Cancer

Experts have warned about the use of talcum powder for years, but these claims have been a source of controversy. Researchers have recently put that controversy to rest by publishing the results of a study linking talcum powder to uterine cancer.

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that using talcum powder in the genital area can lead to a higher risk of ovarian cancer in women. In fact, this cancer risk was shown to be about one-third higher in those who use talcum powder. Scientists who participated in this study are calling for manufacturers to place labels on talcum powder products so women who use them are informed of these risks. Talcum powder is believed to raise the risk of ovarian cancer if it gets into the vagina and reaches the upper genital tract.

This study was published shortly after a jury ordered manufacturer Johnson & Johnson to pay the family of a woman who died of uterine cancer $72 million. The family claims that the woman’s use of Johnson & Johnson’s talcum powder products led to her developing this deadly form of cancer.

The Brigham and Women’s Hospital study provides further evidence that there is a link between the use of talcum powder and an increased risk of ovarian cancer. While scientists state that more research is needed, many caution against using this type of powder, especially in the genital area.

Those who are interested in learning more about non-toxic treatments for uterine cancer should contact Issels®. We offer immunotherapy and other types of safe non-toxic treatments for many types of cancer.

Does Low Dose Aspirin Therapy Work to Prevent Colon Cancer?

Aspirin Therapy Can Reduce the Risk of Colorectal Cancer
Aspirin Therapy Can Reduce the Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Aspirin use has been recommended for those who have higher risks of cardiovascular disease, but can it help prevent colon cancer as well? A panel of medical experts at the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently issued guidelines that do recommend aspirin therapy for cancer in those with a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Taking low-dose aspirin on a daily basis has been shown to decrease the risk of developing colorectal cancer in those who are over 50 years old. Medical experts at USPSTF carefully considered the risks of daily aspirin use along with these health benefits in order to determine whether or not to recommend it for those with a higher risk of colorectal cancer.

The recently issued guidelines state that adults who are 50 years old or older should take aspirin daily if they have higher risks of getting this type of cancer and higher risks of stroke and heart disease. However, experts caution that taking aspirin on a regular basis is not considered safe for those with certain health issues, such as risk factors for stomach bleeding. Aspirin can increase the risk of stomach bleeding, so it’s important for those who take it to only have low doses of it each day.

Those who are considering taking low-dose aspirin therapy for cancer should talk to their doctor first to make sure it’s safe for them to do so. This helps lower the risk of side effects or adverse reactions.

Issels® offers immunotherapy for those who want advanced non-toxic forms of treatment for cancer. Contact us to learn more about these treatments.


Could Big Data Solve Breast Cancer Research Roadblocks?

Genomic Database Going Public will Aid Cancer Research
Genomic Database Going Public will Aid Cancer Research

Could information technology be part of the solution to curing breast cancer? Researchers and healthcare specialists are about to find out as genetic profiles of thousands of cancer patients have been released to the public.

Big data meets cancer research

Results of genomic testing are normally kept confidential and stored within a patient’s file. Early this past March, Ambry Genetics made the contents of their AmbryShare database publicly available at no charge.

The database contains anonymous data obtained from testing of the company’s thousands of breast and ovarian cancer patients. Doctors, researchers and other patients can now access this information in search of genetic patterns.

“Delaying medical progress”

Amber Genetics CEO and founder Charles Dunlop, himself a stage four cancer survivor, issued a statement in conjunction with the data release. In it, he expressed shock that public and private laboratories would withhold such information at the cost of “delaying medical progress” that could end the suffering of other cancer patients.

Not everyone is optimistic about this development. Genetics professor David B. Goldstein of Columbia University told the New York Times he was unsure that this database is enough to make a difference. But one important believer is President Barack Obama, whose administration’s “Precision Medicine Initiative” is working on establishing a database containing genetic and long-term health information for one million Americans.

Genomic testing at Issels®

Genomic testing is just one of the methods we use to develop our non-toxic integrative treatments. Visit our website to view testimonials from patients with breast cancer, leukemia, melanoma and other forms of cancer which have been successfully treated at our immuno-oncology centers.


The Unquestionable Game Changer in Cancer Treatment

Integrative Immunotherapy is the Unquestionable Game Changer in Cancer Treatment
Integrative Immunotherapy is the Unquestionable Game Changer in Cancer Treatment

As recently as 15 years ago, the chances of survival for a patient whose melanoma had spread to other parts of the body were only slightly more than zero. Today, thanks to advancements in the area of integrative immunotherapy, these patients have a legitimate source of hope.

Paving the way for treatment

Pete Daly was one of those patients for whom a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma meant a bleak future. With immunotherapy entering a clinical trial phase, Daly believed his participation would give meaning to his situation by helping others.

Up to that point, testing had been done only on monkeys. It didn’t take long to see results as within weeks Daly’s doctors found that his tumors were shrinking. Currently, 13 years after testing Daly continues to show no signs of cancer.

Former President Jimmy Carter is another patient who has benefited from integrative immunotherapy. He is also no longer showing signs of the melanoma that had formed in his liver and brain.

Immunotherapy is a “game changer”

Oncologist Dr. Mark Albertini of the Carbone Cancer Center at University of Wisconsin Health credits the courage of patients like Daly for contributing to the development of immunotherapy treatments, which he refers to as “game changers.” Dr. Albertini stresses that early detection is still key to successful cancer treatment.

Issels® has been a pioneer in the use of integrative immunotherapy treatments that are personalized to meet each patient’s individual needs. Visit our website today to learn more about our cancer vaccines and other advanced non-toxic cancer treatment protocols.

New Treatment Uses T-Cells to Fight Cancer at the Root

New T-Cells to Fight Cancer
New T-Cells to Fight Cancer

One of the major road blocks in cancer research has been the unchecked mutations undergone by cancer cells, creating a moving target. An international team recently made a discovery that could overcome the problem, leading to a breakthrough for integrative immunotherapy methods.

Targeting the “tree trunk”

The group of researchers found that, in addition to random mutations, cancer cells within an individual also share specific mutations that can be isolated and attacked. Dr. Sergio Quezada of University College London’s Cancer Institute, co-author of the study, likened the approach to killing a “tree trunk” rather than fighting a tangle of branches.

Creating customized treatment

Dr. Quezeda went on to explain that a customized vaccine could be developed to attack the core mutations in a particular patient. Another possibility would be discovering which T-cells produced by the immune system fight the specific mutations. Those T-cells would then be “fished” from the patient, multiplied in a lab, and re-injected into the body.

What’s in the future?

According to Dr. Quezeda, he believes these specialized treatments would be most effective against melanoma and lung cancer. Both are on the list of the 10 most common forms of cancer in the United States. Dr. Quezeda is hopeful that, in light of this study, trials will begin within five years.

Our Issels® integrative immunotherapy centers have long been in the forefront of using personalized treatment protocols. Each patient receives a specifically created program based on genetic predisposition, lifestyle, environment and other individual factors. Visit our website to read and watch testimonials from patients who have been successfully treated at the Issels® treatment centers.

Individualized Cancer Treatment