Tag Archives: Alternative Cancer Therapies

How Is Systemic Hyperthermia Used for Cancer Treatment?

What Is Hyperthermia?
What Is Hyperthermia?

Heat is one of the natural tools your body uses to fight disease. The fever generated by bacterial infections, flu and other viruses indicate not only that your body’s immune system is under attack but that it is fighting back. Raising your body’s internal temperature is like taking a flame-thrower to the attacking disease. Uncontrolled fever can, of course, have serious consequences for the patient. But carefully administered and controlled heating of the body – called systemic hyperthermia — can produce therapeutic benefits in the treatment of cancer tumors.

What Is Hyperthermia?

Issels extensive experience using systemic hyperthermia as part of our integrative immunotherapy program for cancer treatment is now being replicated at university hospital centers in the United States and Europe. Also called Thermal Therapy, systemic hyperthermia is the deliberate heating of the whole body for the therapeutic treatment of disease. Over our 60 years of experience using thermal therapy to treat cancer, Issels has found that thermal therapy can also be applied to affected parts of the body with similar benefit.

How Does Hyperthermia Fight Cancer?

Used in cancer treatment, the deliberate heating of the body promotes a beneficial general stimulation of the body’s innate immune system. But thermal therapy also triggers immune system responses that specifically target cancer tumors, allowing the body to vigorously and effectively attack cancer tumors. Research has shown that systemic hyperthermia has a positive effect on cancer-fighting immune system components, including accelerated maturation of dendritic cells, activation of T-cells, increased production of T-lymphocytes and accelerated production of Natural Killer Cells.

Visit our website to find out more about alternative cancer treatments that offer cancer patients quality of life benefits.

Issels – Why Mexico?

Innovation In Cancer
Innovation In Cancer

Every year, over one million Americans are diagnosed with cancer. Of those diagnosed, studies suggest 60 percent turn to alternative cancer therapy in conjunction with or in lieu of conventional treatment, discovering a large number of these alternative facilities are located outside of the country, such as Mexico.

Why not the U.S.?
In the past, many clinics outside the U.S. were not taken very seriously, however those times have drastically changed. Because conventional forms of cancer care such as surgery, chemo and radiation are the only forms of therapy covered by the U.S. healthcare system and insurance companies, many doctors choose to practice in Mexico in order to offer a broader array of treatments from around the world – and at a more affordable price. Over 500,000 estimated cancer patients leave the U.S. for treatment annually seeking these highly successful treatments.

Why seek alternative treatment?
Integrative approaches to cancer treatment provide individualized regimens tailored specifically for each individual. They focus on healing the entire body, with the added benefits of fewer side effects and improved quality of life when combined with conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. Natural cancer therapies are also sought, offering hope, when conventional treatments fail.

How accepted are the alternatives?
For over a decade, complementary and alternative cancer treatments have been gaining acceptance, resulting in the creation of such organizations as the National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In fact, Cancer.gov, the National Cancer Institute’s website, acknowledges the evaluation of certain CAM therapies and their capability to help patients feel better and recover faster.

Looking for a safer, more effective cancer treatment option? Contact Issels today.

Quality of Life Benefits Drive Mainstream Adoption of Alternative Cancer Treatments


In what many consider to be a revolutionary change in traditional medical thinking, alternative cancer treatments are going mainstream. With a growing number of studies and mounting clinical evidence pointing to the quality of life benefits of many alternative treatments, practitioners of Western medicine have begun adopting alternative cancer therapies.

“Rebirth” of Alternative Cancer Therapies

Once given short shrift by traditional oncologists, acupuncture, autohemotherapy, massage therapy, hyperthermia, phytotherapy and a lengthy list of beneficial alternative cancer therapies are undergoing “rebirth” as the traditional cancer community recognizes their quality of life benefits in the light of new research revealing the importance of immunotherapy in fighting cancer.

Alternative treatments are not new, but have been used to battle disease or ease its symptoms for thousands of years, as these examples indicate:

  • Acupuncture has been an accepted and respected treatment procedure in traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times.
  •  The use of herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, dates back to man’s earliest attempts to treat disease and has historical significance in nearly every human culture.
  •  The therapeutic use of massage therapy also has its roots in antiquity. The Greek physician Hippocrates, considered to be the Father of Medicine, wrote about the therapeutic benefits of “rubbing” in the 5th century B.C.

Everything Old Is New Again

What is “new” in Western medical circles is recognition of the validity of these ancient therapies and their ability to enhance cancer treatment and mitigate the pain and side effects of traditional cancer treatments.

For more than 60 years, Issels Integrative Oncology has incorporated beneficial alternative cancer therapies into our personalized immunobiologic core treatment for cancer as part of our comprehensive program of integrative immunotherapy.

Understanding Your Diagnosis of Cancer

Getting The News
Getting The News

Our greatest fears usually arise not from actual incidents, but from the unknown. Your mind begins running through a series of increasingly dire scenarios that may not even be realistic. If you’ve recently received a diagnosis of cancer, understanding what’s behind it can empower you to be proactive about your care and treatment.

Early diagnosis of cancer is an important element of successful treatment. Some types, such as skin or breast, may be detected through self-examination or various medical screenings. Others are revealed via corresponding symptoms or as a result of treating another condition. This is why it’s important to keep up with annual physicals and other preventive care, even if you’re feeling healthy.

Your caregiver’s first step will be a comprehensive physical exam and thorough review of your medical history. Tests are performed on blood, stool and urine to find any abnormalities that may point toward cancer. If signs present themselves, your physician will order further tests such as CT scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or ultrasound to pinpoint the location and size of the tumor. Final confirmation comes from a biopsy, which involves removing a tissue sample from the tumor to check for the presence of cancerous cells.

A positive diagnosis leads to the step known as staging. This process involves gathering specific information about the tumor, most importantly whether it’s localized or the cells have spread to other parts of the body. You should also get a second opinion from a specialist before proceeding with treatment.

At Issels alternative cancer treatment center, our integrative approach is tailored to your individual needs. Please visit our website to learn more about our successful non-toxic immunotherapy treatments.

Novel Treatment May Be Successful Treating Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Treatment
Lung Cancer Treatment

Under pressure to develop treatments for recurrent cancers with a high rate of fatality, cancer researchers are revisiting old treatment strategies to see if the application of new medical techniques and improved medical technology might make these strategies viable cancer treatment options again. Repeat radiation is one of these old treatments undergoing new life.

High Risk of Injury is a Problem

Significant improvement in the precision of radiation targeting has led a small number of cancer centers to experiment with repeat radiation on Stage 4 lung cancer patients who are out of options. Re-irradiation uses high-level doses of radiation but employs new techniques to tightly target the tumor and minimize damage to surrounding tissues. Despite precautions, repeat radiation does carry a high risk of serious injury to the patent which seems to be the reason few cancer centers are experimenting with the procedure.

No Risk Alternatives for Continued Lung Cancer Treatment

Using another treatment on the comeback trail, lung cancer patients undergoing non-toxic autologous cancer treatments are achieving positive results without re-irradiation’s considerable risks. Autologous cancer vaccines that use the patient’s own blood to boost immune system function have been used with success at Issels alternative cancer treatment centers for decades. Although the use of autologous vaccines has been in use for decades, it is back in the spotlight in the wake of new discoveries revealing the complicated cellular interactions between cancer tumors and immune system cells.

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Remission Success

Despite its effectiveness among various cancers and stages, individualized integrative immunotherapy is another cancer treatment strategy that has been gaining traction in mainstream cancer medicine. Find out more about how integrative immunotherapy is being used to successfully combat Stage 4 lung cancer.

Integrative Immunotherapy: Cancer Treatment that Improves Quality of Life


Cancer treatment and quality of life often generally considered mutually exclusive terms. When surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the only options, cancer patients often find the “cure” to be as painful and damaging to their well-being as — and sometimes worse — than the disease.

If the lessons of history hold true, today’s standard cancer treatments will someday be considered barbaric. Even if cancer is not completely preventable in the future, it is likely that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation will be replaced by kinder, gentler, more effective cancer treatments that do not rely on destroying the body to heal it. We are already heading in that direction.

Immunotherapy: Natural Defense

Integrative immunotherapy, which has formed the basis of Issels’ holistic cancer treatments for more than 60 years, has allowed many cancer patients to treat their cancer and enjoy a better quality of life. Issels’ unique record of complete and long-term remission of advanced cancers and cancers that had proven resistant to the standard cancer treatments favored by practitioners of Western medicine demonstrates that cancer can be successfully fought by tapping into the body’s own natural defense mechanism – our immune system.

Emphasis On Quality of Life

Increasingly, Western cancer researchers are coming to the same conclusions that have driven Issels’ alternative cancer therapies for decades:

  • They have begun to recognize the power of the body’s immune system to fight cancer without causing patients additional harm.
  • They have begun to realize that fighting cancer requires an integrative approach that attacks cancer on multiple levels.
  • They are beginning to understand that cancer patients want and deserve to enjoy a high quality of life both during and after treatment.

At Issels alternative cancer treatment centers, you do not have to choose between treatment and quality of life – we offer both!